General Discussion

General DiscussionAP ranked changes!

AP ranked changes! in General Discussion

    Reworked how All Pick works in Ranked Matchmaking

    Picking starts after a 35 second strategy period.
    Teams alternate picking. Whenever it is a team's turn to pick, anyone on that team can pick for themselves.
    Teams have up to 30 seconds to pick a hero. If the timer expires, each player that hasn't selected a hero will lose 2 gold per second. The selection will stay on this team until a hero is picked.
    Once a selection is made, it immediately switches to the other team to pick.

    Additional Notes:
    Initial starting team is random, but known at the start of the strategy period.
    If a team has not picked and continued losing gold for more than 30 seconds, a player that hasn’t picked will be assigned a random hero and the turn will resume to the other team.


      don't know why they didn't just do a ban pick but this is good i suppose.... it will take too long though i think


        Does anyone really think that it will stop whomever is last to pick from choosing an inappropriate hero ?


          35 second strategy period sounds stupid, nobody is even going to use it. i like the picking though


            It will make the picking better imo, sometimes people wait till like :05 with their picks and then you pick something in a rush and suddenly you got 2 midders and 2 offlaners because of that


              not looking forward to 5 minute AP pick times though.

              Dire Wolf

                It will take too long, there will be more flaming for bad picks. Like say I want to play sniper so I spam him, use our first pick on him. People are going to flame the everliving shit out of me cus wahhhh sniper is so bad and you wasted our first pick on him WAAAAHH! Or enemy team picks void, you're going to get all these try hards saying we have to counter with sky or witch dr. It's going to be a big mess.

                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                  Picking sounds amazing. Welcome to standard dota.


                    Looks really stupid without a ban phase, and for sure, everyone's gonna spam core heroes like who gives a fuck going "last pick support plsssssssssssss"


                      There is one thing that makes sense, you'll find out if your team speaks English!!!

                      Dire Wolf

                        Well they kind of already try to make the last guy pick support now anyway, I don't really see that changing much. Usually someone randoms, next two guys pick carries then say pick support! Last two guys pick more carries, flaming ensues. Problem now is it'll take longer, more time to flame after each pick, don't really see picks improving much as a result.


                          Yea add bans and captain... Oh wait, we already got that.

                          We will see how this works out, we all know the first pickers will pick carries and the last will have to pick support but at least there wont be everyone picking within the last 5 seconds so there shouldnt be panic picks


                            zz this shit sounjds like lol ..


                              also an interesting twist.

                              If you random, you can no longer repick. You can only random again with the same penalty


                                This all pick change is godawful. I think these changes combined will make All Rank a very bad experience. Much worse than the current All Pick.
                                Initial starting team is random. Teams alternate picking.
                                The team which gets to pick first will be at a disadvantage always.
                                Firstly, the enemy team will always know one extra hero they have to play against than they will.
                                Second, and most important. The last picker has a huge advantage over the enemy team. He can pick any hero he wants and rest assured that the enemy team cannot counter it. This is amplified by the fact that you cannot re-pick anymore, not even for a gold penalty.
                                Heroes like weaver, storm, and tinker and void previously (there will be new heroes in this category in the new patch obviously) need some good counters to stand a chance against. The new All Pick gives them a free pass.
                                Re-picking no longer possible in Ranked All Pick.
                                This is so bad. Re-picking was a fun mechanic, and a much needed one.
                                1) It allowed you to counter people who picked heroes like weaver etc. in the last second. With the new alternate picking and no re-picking, the last picker gets a free pass at any hero he chooses to play without the possibility of the other team adjusting.
                                2) There are some heroes that you don't want to play with/against. Maybe they are OP, maybe they are just the flavor of the month, or maybe you just don't like their face/name/model. A very easy solution was to just pick the hero early on and then repick into some other hero. I used to do this against Tinker when I got sick of playing against him for 2-3 games consecutively.
                                Now we can rest assured that you will have to play against/with that one hero in 90% of the games, and there is nothing you can do about it.

                                I can understand the hate towards the current All Pick because of the pauses and waiting to counter pick. But at least it was balanced.No team had a starting advantage. Anyone could wait and lose gold/time if they wanted to wait.
                                Basically, it was a bad system, but it was equally bad for both parties, and thus balanced.
                                Also, it had a built in "ban" system.
                                The new system gives a starting advantage to one team and there is no way to stop people from abusing a bug/hero until valve/ice frog fixes it.
                                I think the easiest, cleanest solution is to revert back to the old All Pick, or force a random pick when the timer hits zero.
                                At least allow re-picks. The team that picks last has way too big an advantage by getting a completely free pick.

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                  The new all pick is great. It is what it is : ALL PICK. Why would you complain about advantage / disadvantage?? CM mode didnt go away, go play that. This version is ten times better because the teams are role balanced rather then 5 man carry line ups.


                                    I found myself making some line-up suggestions much more often than before. RAP is a good thing...

                                    Oh, God.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I actually haven't noticed a difference one way or the other. Teams still pick dumb lineups sometimes, good ones others. Sometimes we strategize, sometimes we don't, just like old all pick. The only big difference is no one can random! It makes a pretty big positive impact cus randoms too often can't pay the hero they get or random the last one or two picks and mess up your team comp.


                                        I've played 3 games of the new Ranked AP, and I only had one guy pick an inappropriate hero. Lanes made sense; no fights over mid.

                                        10/10 will play again.