General Discussion

General DiscussionCrimson Guard

Crimson Guard in General Discussion

    Crimson Guard
    New Item that is formed from Vanguard and Buckler

    Crimson Guard:

    Vanguard (2225)
    Buckler (800)
    Recipe (825)
    Total: 3850 gold

    250 HP
    +6 HP Regen
    Passive Damage Block (80% chance for 40/20 melee/ranged)
    +5 Armor
    +2 All Stats

    Active: Guard - Gives nearby allied heroes (750 range) +2 armor and a damage block shell that has a 100% chance to block 50 damage. Lasts 9 seconds. Cooldown 70.
    Passive: Damage Block - Gives the wearer a chance to block damage from each incoming attack based on whether the equipped hero is melee or ranged.
    Note: Guard only affects heroes. Has the same no stacking mechanic as Pipe of Insight/Mekansm for 70 seconds.

    Who buys it? is it good? GO


      looks shitty to me

      maybe bristle or something?


        maybe axe?

        Jay Ashborne

          Xboct specter.

          Ego complex

            tbh i saw on YouTube in prepatch, someone was testing it (noobfromUA) , and it seems really good item in the early till mid game.

            But who knows, we have to wait and see .


              Does the active damage block only proc once per activation or does it last the full 9 seconds? if it lasts the whole duration it could be good if you can pick it up early, otherwise it is worse then just a vanguard and a buckler. I gess you would buy it on dark seer bristle back, Axe. CW seems like it would take him to long to farm it since he needs boots + blink + hood(pipe) before it would be worth going for. basically the only heroes who are going to want it are going to be melee cores who don't scail too well into the late game and are looking to have a big impact on mid game team fights.

              Ego complex

                Full 9 seconds.


                  Does the active block magic damage or just right clicks?


                    It's the physical damage equivalent of a pipe.


                      If it was AOE like pipe it'd be amazing. As is, it's just shitty treant armor on a billion year cd.


                        Maybe on Anti-mage? If you have a really bad game and go for vanguard you'll go for this after bf and manta cos farming for heart would be taking too long? Idk


                          ^Pretty sure 750 range is the AOE, it would be pretty shitty otherwise. Think about, it's made out of a buckler and has the same mechanic as pipe/mek. It has to be AOE...


                            It gives the effect to all heroes/illusions near you. If you get this item early enough, you basically give your team god mode for 9 seconds. It's still great into the late game if your team has a way to lower the enemy team's damage(venge death, anchor smash, fade bolt, etc) or your team picks up vlads and AC with it. 100% chance to block 50 damage for 9 seconds is nothing to scoff at.

                            EDIT: I swear that said 80 before O.o

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              'If it was AOE like pipe it'd be amazing. As is, it's just shitty treant armor on a billion year cd.'

                              Active: Guard - Gives nearby allied heroes (750 range) +2 armor and a damage block shell that has a 100% chance to block 50 damage. Lasts 9 seconds. Cooldown 70.


                       I misread that and thought it said Give A nearby hero [stuff].

                                Well that's a lot better than I thought. It's actually playable, and I kind of like it. Not nearly as good as pipe, but not 100% trashcan.


                                  tree armor for 9 seconde on your whole team, that pretty close to that


                                    Its easy to buy (a lot cheap small parts) and looks usefull, but cause you normally don't have more than 1-2 physical dps on the enemys team i think i will prefer halberd over this, but worth testing.


                                      how the fuck does 50 damage block compare to a 250 hp heal or 400 magic damage block

                                      Sōu ka

                                        its not 50 damage in total its 50 damage per attack instance for 9 seconds

                                        Quick maffs

                                          Really good against heroes that focus on attack speed like troll


                                            Does it block DP's ghosts? or was the longer cool down enough of a nerf for her.


                                              Yes they are physical, however as it is 50dmg per instance i'm not sure if 1 ghost attack is 1 instance or 1 hit from the spell is 1 instance .. anyone care to elaborate? This would make it pretty damn good if 1 ghost attack is 1 instance.


                                                void counter?

                                                Sōu ka

                                                  wont work against exorcism as its the same mechanic as vanguard which does not work against it

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                                                    certain physical abilities are not reduced by damage block

                                                    exorcism and quill spray are examples.

                                                    one and half gun

                                                      imba item if ur cent, bristle, spectre etc

                                                      Mr MAYHEM

                                                        instance i assume are the same as ta refraction instances , each hit 1 instance


                                                          Ahh i see. Will still be my 3rd item on bristle.

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