General Discussion

General DiscussionGuide to how 3k players can level up their skill!

Guide to how 3k players can level up their skill! in General Discussion

    1. Play Matrice style Terrorblade for 20 games.
    2. 3k player has learned how to farm!
    3. Play TA mid for 20 games.
    4. 3k player as learned lane mechanics!

    But honestly, do it. Mechanics and farming are one of the #1 reasons why you guys are stuck there. Decision making? When you're so ahead you could play like an idiot and still teamwipe them. Learn how to farm and win the lane.


      Hahhaha. I do agree with ya!


        Does Am work too?


          ^ no, but silencer is another great option, get aghs, hit r to win


            thats actually a nice tip :)
            but i'd get bored after 2 games each :D! i considered them op when they came out and never played them :D! i guess i'd play ta max 5 times and tb around 20 but thats including dota 1 when he wasnt op but hard to play (after some nerf dont remember which one they changed him so many times cause too op xD)


              ah you should include lina for 20 games too! 3k player learned to time initiations or viper 20 games, 3k player learned how to orb walk


                Hello guys
                Please reported this guys, they do not know how to play, because they are even the team I always lose.
                My friend reported him.


                  ^ this guy seriously needs to stop this virus thing.

                  Anyway, what Benao said. Some heroes teach you skills that transition through whatever heroes you play...but nice Benao is creepy.


                    Okay I'll try this matrice TB build that I've been hearing about, but where is the link to the guide or whatever it may be.

                    How does this transition to being better as TA @ mid?

                    Quick maffs

                      I played some ta games and i am still awful at lane mechanics


                        Watch BogiDotO replays and get out of 3k trashkan bracket


                          i'd say ask a higher mmr friend to let you play on his account and play 1v1 practice mode, pick TA
                          in like 1 week you'll be outlaning everyone at your bracket


                            how does ta train lane mechanics



                              Some random guy that says Matrice taught him personally. Anyway, it does explain how Matrice TB works. Playing jungle TB won't magically improve your TA lol, it will at most teach you how to farm post laning phase efficiently.

                              Playing TA mid is to obtain another skillset which would be lane mechanics. Since TA is essentially all about rightclicking in lane.

                              EDIT: Basically, Psi Blades teach you how to position yourselves and raises your APM. You also get into a groove of harassing+farming since TA is all about dominating the lane this way. You might be thinking 'but then if I play another hero then all this is pointless' but its not. Its little hard to explain but the fastest way to improving your midlane is through TA. Mid/late game you get mechanics practise as well cuz TA is a high speed hero. (meld dodging, blink intiating, rapidly manual springing traps).

                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                              Dire Wolf

                                I don't really understand how playing terror blade makes you automatically good at farming since tb uses split push and farms quite easily. Like you're playing tb, you just killed t1 mid as dire and are now rotating top lane. Along the way, ohh my this juicy woods just spawned every camp, let me pop a couple illusions on my way and farm them, then go take t1 top.

                                Now you're playing wraith king and just dropped mid t1 and are rotating top. Oh my same juicy woods, let me stop off here for a second to farm it... 10 mins later you cleared all the camps.

                                My point is stuff you do on tb for farm won't work on other heroes with far less neutral dmg. Other heroes also can't run up to a tower with fortification down and kill it 100-0% in 5 seconds.

                                I agree that TA will improve your laning though. Big positioning required that you will notice on every hero.

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                  playing on TB teaches you jungle efficiency patterns, knowledge of when you should stack, shouldn't stack, when you can cut waves, when it is safe to farm the enemy's jungle, when it is okay to backdoor Tier 1 towers, when it is appropriate to split push instead of taking a fight, general awareness of not getting ganked when farming etc etc

                                  my AM win rate went up by like 30% after TB taught me all of the above over 100+ games


                                    your point about psi blades and learning how to position / apm makes no sense to me lol the type of positioning that psi blades require is different from other mid heroes.

                                    ta does not improve your last hitting skills (once ur 3)
                                    does not improve, in fact discourages practice of aggro mechanics, since hitting spills is always going to be easier one a stationary creep rather than one u pull to you.
                                    does not improve gank avoidance, if their mid isnt a dot u might not even die to a dual support roam lol, not to mention if one of the roamer is a targetted stun (bar orgre) you might as well play without looking at the minimap for first 6 mins and you wont die.


                                      Have you ever had a game where you had 60lh at min 10 and ~80 at min 20? I had plenty of those in the pre-terrorblade era :)

                                      Excelent tips! ty!


                                        oh and you dont even get to practice proper aggro free harassing


                                          7min night all ward vision gone who cares lol i have 2 rune traps and 1 uphill trap.
                                          mid tp ganks? doesnt matter my trap in their tower treeline is going to die from tree breakage + vision.


                                            APM is important. I'm not talking a grotesque 140+ apm but an appropriate amount using Psi Blades effectively means moving more. Getting used to high APM is beneficial for any hero in any lane. Positioning-wise when you start attack-moving players. Many 3k players just right click heroes instead of attack moving for those extra hits and positioning.

                                            It does encourage aggression though? At least for me I've come to understand the importance of dominating the lane (lasthit+deny+harass). Hell, TA is all about winning the lane. Also, it doesn't specifically teach gank avoidance but it does incorporate some of that because Psi Blade harassing does push lane. I myself pull back to block or look around when I push it to near the enemy T1 due to aggressiveness.

                                            It teaches you bottle crowing and gives the habit of seeking out runes (lol yes some people don't do this at 3k) to get early kill potential.


                                              or you can just play lich or necro


                                                i can only understand your point about apm.
                                                and ta hardly attack moves until 6?
                                                ya ta wins lane by last hits and spills, thats barely aggression compared to like the majority of range mid hero pool
                                                majority of mids also push out the lane
                                                they bottle crow and seek out runes too.
                                                i dont see anything special about ta and lane mechanics..?
                                                if you want to improve lane mechanics puck is way better

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  AM is a similar play style to terror blade though. Yeah, jungle farm's important, I rotate through it on like every farming carry, troll, sniper, sven, luna, whoever. I guess if someone isn't aware at all of the concept of always be either farming or fighting, never idle, then yeah, playing TB would be some good practice. But I see a lot of TB's doing dumb shit and not farming as well. Like two games ago TB on my team went shadow blade, would rosh til he was ~10% hp then shadow blade up to someone and sunder them for ganks. Instead of pushing lanes. Stupid. That's not going to help you learn anything.

                                                  Have you ever had a game where you had 60lh at min 10 and ~80 at min 20? I had plenty of those in the pre-terrorblade era :)

                                                  Yeah I've had those games hasn't everyone? But playing tb didn't magically teach me to farm, I learned it more from watching what players better than me do. Now when I have those games it's cus I start dying a lot.

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    @Timberwolf - well apparently you still haven't understood how to farm that efficiently yet, even in your best wins your CS and GPM is generally somewhat sub-par for a carry. Work on those and maybe you can carry yourself out of your current bracket.

                                                    obviously you don't blindly play those heroes, you need to play those heroes while having an idea of what you are supposed to do - the people at the top generally have to innovate and experiment, while those below simply need to follow what they do while understanding why they do what they do

                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      Zenoth man teach me how to farm


                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        I think my failures at farming are cus I suck at last hitting which tb won't help me learn. Maybe TA will.


                                                          last hitting is mechanical, anyone can do it with practice.

                                                          what defines 'meh' farmers from great farmers is simply efficiency. Time, health and mana used to accrue as much currency as possible.

                                                          Take for example AM. You need to balance harassing and wave manipulation without compromising last hits in lane, and sometimes you need to make a trade off - is it worth burning their offlaner's mana and missing a few last hits, or not? Later it becomes about pushing the wave out, pulling the big camp (if dire) and clearing the small camp. Efficient farmers will get both wave of creeps (8) plus small (3-5) and large (2-5) camps every minute, getting a 11 minute treads qb bfury.

                                                          Even later it becomes similar to any other hero - farm when not needed, join fights or split push as need be.

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            what if you never know when to splitpush and when to fight


                                                              Just spam Viper to get out of 3k.

                                                              Hero is extremely dumb proof and probably the least punishing for any mistake he possibly makes.

                                                              Matrice and Zenoth's teachings would probably be better suited for getting out of 4k range, where teammates are more toxic and small mistakes escalate a lot more.



                                                                TB, such easy wins. Just splitting your farm with illusions alone will give you more GPM than anyone in 2-3K bracket, then you can win games 1v9 with TB.

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  How do you keep the lane in the middle? Cus usually what happens is it gets pushed way up by their offlaners spamming shit or it gets pushed down by use spamming shit trying to kill them/dumb supports and then my support will pull the small camp to bring it back, but it ends up on our tower, wave dies to fast, next wave pushes out again. I have no idea how to get equilibrium back once it's lost.

                                                                  I know actual last hitting is mechanical, unfortunately I do not play enough to improve. I play like 1-2 matches a night average and rotate heroes. It's my own fault but not sure I'll get much better ever.

                                                                  Mr MAYHEM

                                                                    with this new meta, longer games , is anti-mage back on track?

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      Well you still have to farm a lot early cus people push hard still. If you make your team 4v5 for 20 mins to get an 18 min battlefury you will lose. If you can do battlefury in like 12 mins you should be fine.

                                                                      Also zenoth I took what you said to heart, watched one of your replays. I was missing a couple key jungle tree cuts and using my illusions to clear enemy jungle while I push. Broke 10 cs/min and almost broke my gpm record.


                                                                        Any other hero suggestions to spam besides TA for mechanical skill?


                                                                          tinker is good to learn about jungling patterns as well as improving your reactions


                                                                            And then an idiot Earthshaker who ends with 0/10 happens and you can put those 20 games with terror blade in your....

                                                                            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                              6.82 Patch notes:
                                                                              Tinker is no longer good


                                                                                I take back laning mechanics and instead am going to say mechanics as a whole.

                                                                                ...the reason why I advise TA for mechanical skill is because throughout the whole game, you'll be dependent on twitch reflexes and attack moving. There is no other hero that does this sort of thing this much. You literally are going to right click the whole game with the only exception being fast trap casting and slight prediction which is ALSO good. (cuz only scrubs blow trap right away and lose an additional 10-20% slow).

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  What do you do when your team can't defend a rax 4v5, gets wiped every time 4-0, and then 3 enemies tp back to stop your push? I came close a couple games but just couldn't quite rax cus my team went down so freakin fast every fight. I mean I can slowly whittle down rax with illusions and split push but then enemy 5 mans our rax and it's over. Defending isn't worth it cus like I said, my team gets wiped, I'd just be included in that if I defend.

                                                                                  I know I need more farm/push early so I'm not in those situations but what do I do when I am? How to finish off the game?

                                                                         QOP feeds bs mid, no one has farm, earthshaker was supposed to win team fights for us but fed so hard, doesn't even have blink. GG. I tp to a lane to push but BS so far ahead I can't fight him.

                                                                         No on has farm. Storm starts out great, but DK just quit farming. I don't know what happened. Seems like we have good team fight, but there's no dmg to backup our stuns and ES wipes our team every team fight. Every split push I do sees LC and ES tp back to blink on me or invoker come tornado me.


                                                                                    if they tp back and stop your push, the best thing you can do is either travels back to pick off any stragglers (since its seldom coordinated tps) or send images to cut lanes.
                                                                                    cutting lanes is super core it makes it much harder for u to lose sometimes if u dont think u can trade rax u should just aim to cut

                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                      They were coordinated tps. It went the same very time, they'd 5 man our mid, wipe our 4 defending, lose no one, two keep killing towers while 3 tp back. If I escaped they'd push out the lane and repeat, often though they'd kill me cus they had earthshaker, lc, invoker and bs, all tough heroes to run from.

                                                                                      But I will try cutting lanes. That might have worked.


                                                                                        Playing terrorblade has helped me increase my average gpm for all heroes. It has also helped me get out of 3k-4k mmr hell.


                                                                                          Watching Zenoth and Matrice's replays really helps me improving my farming ability a lot. I can outfarm most enemy carries in my bracket now. Most players in low bracket aren't good at last hitting. Learn how to farm can easily help you boost your mmr.