General Discussion

General Discussion[SERIOUS] What's our next op shit to grind mmr

[SERIOUS] What's our next op shit to grind mmr in General Discussion

    Ok boys, notes are out, time to brainstorm.
    Tinkerino nerfed to the ground.
    Much harder for void to deal with PA or Slark.
    Doom = old bloodrage.
    Lycan's done and gone.

    So what is the new op?
    I think viper and razor still very viable (mek nerf not THAT bad especially after point booster).
    Chen's 20 min double ancient push with mek is gonna hurt, but I ain't playing Chen.
    Clinkz deso now legit?
    What do yout hink about the new PL?
    Ogre new best roamer?

    Share your thoughts.


      Probably PA now that her blur and crit won't be removed by anything other than Hexes.




          Sven's Aghanim's looks disgusting as well.


            wawouw so much changes O_O thats so huge!


              bs is broken. 0manacost )

              MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                Well if you are looking to grind from .5-1k, then maybe new riki

                Y M V N

                  i only can think clink offlane now, to go for 5k from 4k


                    I've tried and experimenting with the new PL, and trust me.

                    This shit's legit.

                    EDIT: Also for those who cares about this odd name "fun" in DotA, PL's "funnier" to play now.

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                    Quick maffs


                      one and half gun

                        deathball push meta nerfed many of my best heroes

                        now i can get to 7k :) no more 6k for me!

                        one and half gun

                          + i have a secret strategy with SF that only me and another player know :)

                          Y M V N

                            what is it?


                              ^ Yup that strategy is called 5 man stacking. But honest to this thread, terrorblade is one of those heroes that can one-man carry scrub feeders. Op as shit even after the strength nerf.

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                                He's an A-star student, y...

                                  Snowball mid heroes that can dominate lane.

                                  Puck got buffed.
                                  TA got buffed.
                                  QOP got buffed.
                                  Storm got buffed.
                                  SF got buffed.

                                  Add to that:

                                  Nerf to push (no more dp razor viper)
                                  New rune
                                  Nerf to bottle crow
                                  More ganking paths, more comeback potential, in general more focus on kills

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                  [DFG] Whale King

                                    How did storm get buffed? The bloodstone change seems really bad, and that's a pretty common item.

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                                        the bloodstone change is a buff because soul ring is a good item on him making bloodstone buildup better, since you won't be getting perseverance you'll be getting soul booster items giving you extra stats.

                                        He's an A-star student, y...

                                          Ball Lightning mana cost per 100 units from 10 + 1% to 12 + 0.7%

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            I hate the all pick change. You might never get the hero you want now, what's the point? Purpose of all pick is to pick what you want to play, not alternate while someone else grabs it.

                                            I also don't get how the new xp and gold for hero kills works. So you get a tiny bit more if your team is behind?

                                            I also don't get the courier speed burst change. It's like every change is just to screw over pubs. You know everyone will still spam it only now a 90 second cd.

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                                              one and half gun

                                                basically the only thng preventing me from getting 7k was deathball meta

                                                now you dont get punished for having 10x more cs than mid but of course, with the new ways you pick heroes, theres bound to be 4ks instapicking cores so you're left to support because "u are the last player picking"

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  How do you insta lock a hero? I don't understand. Notes say sides alternate picks.

                                                  one and half gun

                                                    how to insta lock heroes? idk

                                                    u pick a hero before anyone else? what the fuck


                                                      New thirst is pretty decent.if your team id harassing decently you will have 1 full charge+ all the time. If all the heroes are missing 1/5 of their HP.
                                                      Well, bloodseeker still has a silence, a source of heal, and on top of it a nuke and damage amplification. It's just different in some ways, but for me he seems goos on paper. And 12 seconds rupture at all levels is strong.


                                                        courier speed burst and the new rune means that mid is forced to be less reliant on bottle crowing and more reliant on getting runes. and because there's 2 runes you can guarantee that the mid players will be forced to get one of them, meaning there's more opportunities to gank the enemy mid.

                                                        even if people do spam the speed burst at every moment it's fine because the flying courier's default speed is something like 25% higher permanently, which is kind of like using the current speed burst on every cooldown which has a 50% uptime and a ~50% speed boost 350 x 1.5 is basicaly 522. 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25, basically meaning that using the current boost every time it's off cooldown gives you a 25% increase in speed, which is the same amount that the passive change to the courier's speed gives.

                                                        it means the new speed burst is for saving the courier and not just something you spam every time it's off cooldown to get items to you faster.

                                                        "I also don't get how the new xp and gold for hero kills works. So you get a tiny bit more if your team is behind?"

                                                        it doesn't change what the killer gets. it changes what the heroes who are near the killed hero get. basically they get more XP when they're behind and because team XP is taken into account that means the fed carry also increases the XP his teammates give.

                                                        the same applies to kills. if your team is massively ahead in gold, even your weakest player will feed lots of gold to the enemy team, so everyone needs to be playing safer, not just the core heroes.


                                                          still a tp to get away from bs... not strong

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                                                              Probably PL or BS.

                                                              BS with Blademail now is actually incredibly strong.

                                                              Q Amplifies damage dealt and taken, making blademail stronger.
                                                              If I'm not mistakes, the Q also amplify the damage dealt by spells, making his W, pure damage shit deal 40% more damage.

                                                              If this is how it works, imagine a BS put this on skywrath. THE DEEPS


                                                                to be fair, rikis good too

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                                                                    Now that Bloodcyka wont silence you anymore and ulti works on chronosphere youre fucking unstoppable

                                                                    ez kafak


                                                                      PA for me. ez katkas fuck you void and doom pickers

                                                                      one and half gun

                                                                        sleave check skype ;))))


                                                                          So slark the new instapick?


                                                                            basically the only thng preventing me from getting 7k was deathball meta

                                                                            now you dont get punished for having 10x more cs than mid but of course, with the new ways you pick heroes, theres bound to be 4ks instapicking cores so you're left to support because "u are the last player picking"


                                                                            needed a good laugh after all these awsum patch notes :))

                                                                            one and half gun

                                                                              heres a good laugh 06:50:00

                                                                              50 minutes blink dagger on a 5k tidehunter :)

                                                                              how awkward to have autistic acc buyers abusing the mic lolz


                                                                                acc buyer???


                                                                                game full off trolling and me supporting, you call that as a burn ROFL?

                                                                                WAS THAT SUPPOSED to hurt my feelings anime wanker ;D????

                                                                                one and half gun

                                                                                  ? u were crying and raging after each team fight, hows that trolling imbecile


                                                                                    I think PA and bone are going to be very strong.
                                                                                    BS's new silence acts as a zoning spell for when he ganks, which is quite good. May give it a try.
                                                                                    DD sama how'd you build the PL?

                                                                                    Also what do people think of the AM str buff? Don't think it will be enough to make him come back given the prevalence of PA we're going to see in this patch.

                                                                                    Tree agh op too, this shit's legit (more so than Chen imo).


                                                                                      BS seems like a great support

                                                                                      AM will come back because of the meta changes (slowdown, teams unwilling to deathball because tower gold advantage punishes them much more heavily for dying etc etc). The buff is just icing on the cake.

                                                                                      EARTH SPIRIT IS IMBA


                                                                                        @Zenoth: don't you think PA (and bone!) basically stop AM in the starting blocks? Bone orchid wreck's AM's farm/splitpush and PA basically prevent him from fighthing before he gets mkb (and if he needs manta and bkb after battlefury you're talking 30 minutes minimum). What's your view?


                                                                                          well it all depends on the AM, you can get 11 min Treads/Fury and 17 min Manta if you can farm well, and that's enough to get away from Clinkz.


                                                                                            just get ghost after fury if u cant get manta in time


                                                                                              ^And then clinkz gets diffusal.


                                                                                                it gives u the space to get manta dude.


                                                                                                  if clinkz can get diffusal + orchid faster than an AM can get ghost + BF then you've pretty much lost anyway

                                                                                                  [DFG] Whale King

                                                                                                    Soul ring is not a very good item on storm spirit. Bloodstone was already a tad questionable due to lack of damage to snowball which is why orchid is considered as a better item to snowball by many players (and the silence). I'm pretty sure this makes bloodstone rush almost not viable on him. As for the mana change... I really dont know how big of a change that is


                                                                                                      PL is gonna wreck face in fights now instead of split-pushing forever (cancer is cured!). Also, I think people undervalue Riki's new blink strike. Unlike PA's it actually goes through bkb which let's him stay on his target. His invisibility actually does something now too which is cool. I'm a little confused about the blink strike charges though... It says 30 seconds replenish time, does that mean 30s for each charge used and they only replenish 1 at a time like remnants or do they have their own separate timers where if you used all 5 in the span of 1 second you would get them all back after 30? I think the latter is more likely.


                                                                                                        should be like remnants. as in, you can burn them all at the same time.