General Discussion

General DiscussionThoughts on Patchnotes

Thoughts on Patchnotes in General Discussion

    >Some one explain new PA blur to me. What's the difference between new and old? Thanks in advance.

    old/current blur
    if anyone is 1600 units or closer to PA her minimap icon disappears
    if no one is near her, she is visible on the minimap
    evasion gets disabled by hex, doom and chronosphere

    new blur
    if anyone is 1600 units or closer to PA, her minimap icon appears
    if no hero is near her, then she is not visible on the minimap. good for when farming a lane and people only check the minimap
    evasiondisabled by hexes still
    evasion only disabled by doom with aghs
    evasion is not disabled by chronosphere

    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

      Thank you sexually confused gender identity person.


        Bloodseeker zeus new meta


          report icefrog

          Feeder Chan

            But currently it's bugged in test client that even doom aghs doesn't stop PA evasion from working.


              the extra gold and experience you get from killing people now when you're behind is fucking ridiculous.


                Dem comeback potentials!

                MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                  Every good game these days is getting more and more casual, first the elder scrolls got oversimplified, dota is heading that way, and wizards keeps making magic easier for noobs. I get that they make more money that way, but its not fun. If I wanted that, I would just play yugioh and lol


                    This patch will kill BS in pubs. Taking away bloodbath just make him a normal meleehero, that is vulnerable to harrassment. In the current Version it is completly impossible for many offlaners, to stop a BS farming. He will lose this ability.

                    Mirana, Windrunner etc.... BS shits on them. Also many midlaners have no chance against him, esp all meleemidlaners.

                    BS was my fav hero from Dota 1 days till now and Icefrog fucks him so hard in the ass.

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                      ^ You didn't read his changes, did you?


                        I did, did u? The old bloodbath was, what seperated him in the laning stage from any other meleehero. Now he is just vulnerable to harrassment, a shitty little meleehero. Also his solokillpotential decreases drasticaly, since the initialdamage of rupture is removed.

                        New spells are complete bullshit. I will give it a shot, but I think i need a new fav hero.


                          Just bloodrage your Zeus with Aghanim's + Refresher.


                            He gets 25% heal on kill from one skill-point. He can achieve 96% damage amplification without items. His solokill potential is insane.

                            Try reading next time.


                              I read it, and as you can see it is my most played hero. I do not have a 1.49 KDA on him like you.

                              And the nerf on his laning presence is just crap. The rest is OK. But how to endure harrassment now?

                              You wont cast your nuke to heal on creeps. His nuke will take 3 sec to kick in. So only in combination with a setup or rupture you will be able to use its benefits. He just transitions into a more teamfriendly pick. That is simply not needed in AP pubgames.


                                Darling, what does my kda has to do with this? Are you already out of arguments? That's just sad.

                                Read again. Why the hell do you want to farm creeps with his nuke? You cast bloodrage on yourself, kill a creep, get healed by 25% of creep's max HP, simple, right? It has zero mana cost, too. If it's allowed to cast bloodrage on creeps, you can do so, without risking by amplifying damage done to yourself.

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                                MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                  Even if bloodseeker got buffed overall, his silence was too good. I just lost a game 100% because of silence, as soon as my bkb was lower than 6 seconds, he could just wait for it too end and then they would focus me and I couldn't sunder anyone.


                                    I understand how the new bloodrage works, and i liked the old one more. If you cast it on yourself, you will get bonusdamage. If you cast it on a creep, you can heal every 12 Sek on lvl 1. Both options will lower your laning presence.

                                    I also like the intitialdamage on rupture. Since you often get a kill on a fleeing target just by the initaldamage or sneak it from a support that is about to finish someone off. On low hp targets you could rupture under tower, silence, dive kill. Its not uncommon to be lvl 11 (with midas) while enemy supports sit at lvl 7-9. Easy targets under tower, with that powerfull nuke. Gone now.

                                    The silence was one factor, that ensured kills. Just rupture, silence, dive on low hp heros. Now you can't silence, so your divingpotential will decrease. One of the most fun parts of the hero. Divingthrill. In many games i did not even lvl the silence out, so the damageamplification for the enemy is not too high.

                                    For me you judge a hero, that you barley played. Thats why i point out on your 1.49 kda. Its my fav hero and I like him the way he is.

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                                      Well, suck it up. There's nothing you can really do about it.

                                      I myself am happy for it. It'll give me another possible support to add to my hero pool.


                                        Hes no support :(. He is a roflstomp pubstar; like ursa. I have to suck it up, but I want to give my thoughts on the patchnotes. Deal with it.


                                          So, you're basically complaining 'bout hero being not exactly the same as before, while trying to mask it with non-relevant stuff for no apparent reason.

                                          lvl 1 bloodrage gives you 25% hp heal, which equals old bloodbath lvl4. If you were able to sustain on the lane with lvl1 bloodbath, you'll have no problems with 25% damage amplify, given it helps you to lasthit.
                                          Also, bloodthirst will provide you more reliable bonuses through laning phase, which are movement speed and damage - both helping you to sustain harassment.
                                          If you're talking about stuff being "fun" and "divingthrill", then I, again, don't understand you at all - you can setup 470 pure damage nuke/silence , cut all ways of retreating and manfight enemy with crazy damage output. No thrill? Mmkay.
                                          You're can go the same builds as before - Blademail will have even more synergy with BS now, but also you can go different path.
                                          And, sorry, I'm not impressed by Rapture being used for kill secure.

                                          For me, if you like hero as it is - say "I like the hero as it is", don't try to make you position look different by speculating false information.


                                            Its not like I won't try it. Repeating arguments will not convince me nor you. If I like the new BS more, I will let you know. On paper I like the old one. Reasons are stated above.


                                              Okay, we cool.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                I mean he's changing from a 1v1 pub stomper to a team fight oriented hero. Big play style change. Whether it kills him in pubs depends on if you can coordinate and team fight with him.

                                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                  Zano supports gonna be ez now. ded gaem.

                                                  [9/23/2014 6:36:04 PM] Hardcore Heathen: PATCH IS HERE BITCHES
                                                  [9/23/2014 8:00:07 PM] Melody-San 少女: Geminate Attack can now proc items
                                                  [9/23/2014 8:06:59 PM] Melody-San 少女: Permanent Invisibility is now a basic ability
                                                  [9/23/2014 8:45:45 PM] Hardcore Heathen: MEWMEW WEAVER NEW META, THE BUGS A FUCKING LIFESTEALING LIGHTNING LORD
                                                  [9/23/2014 8:46:38 PM] Melody-San 少女: So uh...
                                                  [9/23/2014 8:46:43 PM] Melody-San 少女: Wanna go to league?

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                                    With the change to BS they should add a ">Bloodrage me" command. So many lane bullies and nukers are gonna hug him for the buff.

                                                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                      They would to add one for empower and a few others as well then...


                                                        If people start spamming Weaver, then it'll be a good time to play Rubick for me. Always loved that matchup. I'll figure something out for new Riki when the time comes.

                                                        Quick maffs

                                                          Zano teach me how to win with rubick


                                                            Step 1 - Ignore the pick if you are against heroes like Enigma, Magnus, and other big time ultimaters because you don't know how to steal them and will feed.
                                                            Step 2 - Pick Rubick against Antimage, Weaver, Void and the like. What do they all have? Movility spells so you don't have to farm a Blink Dagger (do it anyway). MOVE LIKE THE WIND DUDE.
                                                            Step 3 - Play over aggresive.
                                                            Step 4 - Fail
                                                            Step 5 - Get carried.
                                                            Step 6 - Kappa.

                                                            Seriously though, Sam Peckinpah would be a far better player to ask Rubick advice. Still, try picking him against the mobile heroes someday. It's extremely fun.

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              One Urn charge eats through an entire Refraction (RIP Templar Assassin). Also eats through Living Armor.
                                                              You can no longer counter a negative Urn charge with a positive one as the negative one cancels it.
                                                              Puts Blink Dagger on cooldown for 8+3 seconds.

                                                              Urn OP


                                                                They'll probably change Urn's damage from Pure to negative regeneration once they realize how good it is/people cry enough about it, if it indeed does stuff like burning entire Refraction charges and cancels blink. I wonder if Warlock's Fatal Bonds will cancel Blink now as well...maybe I'll start playing him again if it does.

                                                                MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                  Funny how they increased blink cost but also added a really good counter to it in the same patch

                                                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                    I don't feel farming is very important anymore with how kill bounties work now. One game this patch I got over 4000 gold from a single team fight because we were behind. And despite having like 30cs in 11 minutes with 2-3 deaths I still got my DB in 16 minutes because I was part of one fight that gave me a ton of gold. If you're behind you're not very punished anymore because the enemy team will have a lot of xp and gold to take. It kinda ruins the farming element of the game, since killing is more beneficial.


                                                                      IMO, Void is as retarded as ever. It's like you will get few kills sooner or later, get absurd boost in gold and then wtfpwn enemy team. This patch already looks to me like "who've got harder carries - wins".
                                                                      I even go as far as to say, hero cancer remained the same. Except, probably, for Tinker.

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                                                                      Miku Plays

                                                                        Miku Plays

                                                                          btw.. afk junglers will be so good in this patch

                                                                          MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                            the power of dendi is 3stronk5pubs. Ever since I started playing with my dendi signed tiny card on me, I haven't lost a match, despite the feedfest that was my effort to play new bloodseeker before reading the changes