General Discussion

General DiscussionNot impressed with Bara "buffs"

Not impressed with Bara "buffs" in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Bara is still severely castrated.. No damage from empowering haste.. still 10000 years casting time on netherstrike..

    Bad Intentions

      I miss the old bara..:(

      Jay Ashborne

        You are the only one. I assure you. Very glad Moo cow is gone.


          If you want to get netherstrike off every time...get a shadow amulet and play the waiting game...

          Bad Intentions

            But I misss the true spiritbreaker! :(


              Empowering haste damage was too op back in the dayz... at 2-3 level u could drop everyone half hp with 2 hits...
              also best lasthit <3 missing this old school bitch

              Dire Wolf

                He's still good, just situational. He's still a pretty strong ganker in right situations.


                  the buffs are pretty good actually, the thing is no one knows how to abuse sb to its maximum potential.


                    Abuse with mek dagon

                    Hafla Enjoyer

                      I just played bara as a roamer with leshrac. Went really good.


                        nobody likes that hero anyway, he's close to tinker's level of being annoying


                          he is even worse (the old bara)

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