General Discussion

General DiscussionOnce again :''''')

Once again :''''') in General Discussion

    Seriously, wtf. I've only played like 10 games in the past week and 2 of them are full of complete retards like this.

    Region lock, when?

    And yes, I know that probably entirely everything about my build is bad, I don't play wisp. It's for the hero challenge. I still didn't feed 0-18. I was 5-5 at one point.

    Primordial Soup

      Shrug it off and move on?


        Keep trying and you might suck seed


          IT JUST HURTS SO MUCH. I WANT TO GO BACK TO RANKED. But I suck with all of these heroes I'm getting. The ones I'm good at I win in one game. The ones I suck at I lose 4 times in a row.

          Kai no Kiseki

            Oh its okay for you to suck balls as wisp but not okay for your allies to suck balls with their heroes? Okay.

            Primordial Soup

              Maybe stop randoming?


                It's not random, it's the all hero challenge.

                And I didn't go 0-18 did I? I'm just saying I don't expect my build to be perfect for DB's criticism because I don't play this hero. I still didn't feed 0-18.

                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  Maybe he was drunk or something.

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                  bum farto

                    I will agree that recently my games have just been piled with really stupid people like...


                    Won the game basically and while we're taking the last rax TB goes and buys a Rapier and dies almost instantaneously to heroes that he has been outplayed by all game.


                    OD getting outplayed mid by a garbage tinker player, and pudge roaming lane to lane feeding.


                    Couldn't deal with my team being so bad so decided to just leave and queue with friends.

                    ....and on and on it goes for about 9 losses, shit happens and while games have been bad and loss streaks will happen so will the wins eventually. Keep the chin up.