General Discussion

General DiscussionWas void's nerf significant?

Was void's nerf significant? in General Discussion

    •Chronosphere area of effect reduced from 450 to 425
    •Chronosphere flying vision area reduced from 1000 to 425
    •Chronosphere no longer disables passives
    •Chronosphere's effects no longer linger for an extra 0.5 seconds (like normal auras do) at the end of its duration


    I was watching Waga's stream and he said that the main problem with void was how strong of a laner he was. He could go mid/safe/offlane and hold his own while being able to get treads-MoM in a decent time. I don't think the patch made any significant changes to him and probably still expect him to be picked up a lot, what do you guys think?

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    Ego complex

      He got nerfed to ground with that no disable passive in chrono now.


        yes it was significant for heroes like pa that make use of passives. himself, as a hero, is still retarded

        King of Low Prio

          allowing passives in chrono (and doom) is huge


            I think he's better than ever, tbh.

            The offlane is a lot safer because of the juke paths, the creeps meet even closer to the offlaner's tower, and the game is infinitely slower. We have been prioritizing early heroes that can pick up one item (or no items) and run around fighting, like Centaur and Tidehunter. (Or heroes that can stall against a concerted early push). But with early objectives being harder to take (tougher T2s, more glyphs) and less rewarding (massively reduced tower gold), there's much less reward for playing aggressively with that style of heroes. So we're going to have to prioritize heroes that scale well into the late game...

            And if you're looking for offlaners that scale well into the late game, Void's your man. Squid. Time thing.


              Yes it is if you have evasion


                Yeah the passive being allowed is big but if void is facing a PA, he just ignores her (mby get sky ulti) and kills other good targets or buys mkb if PA is really a problem.

                Yes the new map seems interesting and it's going to be great to see the play styles shift

                Dire Wolf

                  Allowing passives is a pretty big nerf, opens up a lot of heroes to counter him- tiny, PA, axe, agi carries who rush butterfly. Excuse me if some of those passives already go through chrono, but just off the top of my head. I mean late game a butterfly isn't going to save you but if you get the evasion first now void probably can't solo you with just a mask + treads in a chrono. That's what I always found retarded about void, he could be way behind but just with a mask at like level 12 he could 1v1 any non str carry in a chrono duration (str carries usually a tad too much hp).


                    Other carries now have a chance and can wreck that cheap hero, I remember playing anti-mage vs a void, he just chronos and bypasses your butterfly and crits you in the chrono duration to death. Now many heros with evasion survive the chrono duration. Huge nerf imo vs other hard carries.