General Discussion

General Discussion6.82 new kill bounty

6.82 new kill bounty in General Discussion
Rusty Ken (mmr thief)

    can someone explain to me how the new kill bounty works now? I just watched the new noobfromua video which shows an earthshaker killing an invoker with a killing sphere only but then has his gold increased from 200 to 1.6k


      its based on the networth difference

      आप गे क्यों

        we were owning the other team, and after our carry died a couple of times. they could afford a freaking dr.
        one guy said he got 6k bounty from kills


          Yea if your team is behind and you kill a hero that had a large amount of net worth than you get a bunch of gold just like in the noobfromua video


            Don't know how I feel about this....

            Dire Wolf

              Gives pubs a reason to keep trying at least.


                Basically, what this means is that you can't allow anyone in your team playing carry and mid roles. The cost of the failure is very high! Even if you have a huge advantage, one simple mistake will change everything!


                  It seems like net worth difference means way more than a killing spree, so stupid


                    This new calculation is a goddamn joke. You get punished for getting ahead with kills! You're better off farming all game and taking towers while avoiding any conflicts.


                      take a look at my last game played before the patch, and let's find out how much the enemies get for a kill on me in say, the last 1-2 minutes of the game.

                      NWFactor = 13492

                      1 Hero: Gold = 6940 (YES 7K GOLD TO ONE HERO, THATS A FULL RAPIER)
                      2 Heroes: Gold = 4884 EACH (9768 TOTAL GOLD)
                      3 Heroes: Gold = 3503 EACH (10509 TOTAL GOLD)
                      4 Heroes: Gold = 2796 EACH (11184 FUCKING TOTAL GOLD)
                      5 Heroes: Gold = 2121 EACH (10605 TOTAL GOLD)

                      basically if I fuck up accidentally or play cockily and feed one death I can LITERALLY INCREASE THE OPPONENT TEAM NET WORTH BY 10K

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        farming is even worse since it still increases your networth therefore giving enemies larger bounty when you die. You can be like 0/1/1 with tons of farm and still give enemy team 5k+ gold


                          6.82b better come in a hurry.


                            This is probably an indirect nerf to split pushers like Tinker, TB, Antimage, Meepo who make a lot of gold from creep farming.


                              and supports are not safe either. Consumables are considered into your networth now too.

                              Buying a fucking TP scroll, will give the enemy more gold when you get one. Fix this shit please.

                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                wow, this would certainly make every death of an enemy matter. especially when they are way ahead.

                                i guess this wont affect me since i cant kill anyone and i cant farm, so in the end my death would mean nothing. hahaha



                                  By farming, I mean you should rice all game and choose a late game hero. Get six slotted and leveled as quickly as possible to safely win the game.

                                  Good drafts are pointless now, especially if you have an early game lineup.

                                  Sōu ka

                                    2 biggest factors are the net worth of the guy who dies and the net worth difference of both teams


                                      @Soul Eater Even though you say that supports aren't safe either is sort of true, you won't get nearly as much gold from a hard support as you would from any other player on the enemy team. Those supports are broke af


                                        To be fair, their lineup had infinitely better late game potential.

                                        Still, shit like this shouldn't happen. It was virtually impossible in 6.81, so why change it now?

                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                          can you not just pick 5 carries , loose early then deathball midgame?