General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is everyone hating on 8.62?

Why is everyone hating on 8.62? in General Discussion

    I happen to like the patch update. I was getting really tired of 6.81 and having almost no chance of coming back but now I find the game to be more exciting and interesting.

    Yes, the new patch changes so many things, but so did 6.79 last year, and I have trouble even remembering what dota was like before that patch.


      I kinda like the patch. I don't like when people become overconfident and throw otherwise won game, though.


        It just feels...very swingy. The gold bonuses need to be recalculated, I'm pretty sure death timers got tweaked, and it's taking awhile to get used to new PL. Shit is so strong.

        Got to play Zeus/BS, and even with our WR giving up and intentionally feeding from minute 5 on, we nearly won. That shit is insane.


          8.62 aint out yet bro

          on a more serious note so far it's pretty interesting, mostly reserving judgement for now

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Because his nerfs on the heroes that needed it were so fucking terrible.


              I'm mostly interested to see when the pro meta will change and what it will change to


                this patch feels like nothing is ever certain, it seems like you can be down 2 lanes, enemy team gets wiped, carry get loads of gold, come back is real and its not even funny anymore

                Sōu ka

                  people hate it because these comebacks are all forced
                  i have seen a 0-9 wr with 26 cs when the game ended after like 30+ minutes with 430 gpm (on the losing team) while the winning teams support had 260 gpm with an okay score
                  thats just bullshit

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                  Ego complex

                    ^ no it isn't

                    This patch forces you to be very careful, play with team ( heck even in pubs ) and every game, no matter how bad is going for you, can be won. On the other hand, few updates are bulshit.

                    Sōu ka

                      hows it a good thing that you can always come back
                      when you play like shit you deserve to fucking lose
                      you should try to come back by playing well and not by some stupid forced bullshit that throws completed items at you for a single kill

                      Jay Ashborne

                        When you make over committing mistakes and arrogantly make bad plays when you're ahead you deserve to lose too.



                          I like the patch a lot even though I've not been able to play too much thus far.

                          People complain after every patch.
                          Just wait a bit until future patches where probably gold will be harder to come by, the retarded autistic whiners will come back.

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                          Ego complex

                            @Sōu ka

                            Melody pretty much summed it all.

                            Sōu ka

                              making mistakes doesn't mean that you deserve to lose

                              WELCOME BRO

                                This patch is fine, everyone cries because they throw more easily than in 6.81.

                                If your team feed but you are better you win:

                                If you play badly and the team in front is good you lose:

                                If you play well but some players throw you lose:

                                If you are the best in farm / skill you can 1V5 easy:

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                Sōu ka

                                  i mean if you think you deserved to win a game that you only won because you got 3k gold for a single kill then there's that
                                  because that's what you're arguing for
                                  comebacks were possible without that kind of shit


                                    This patch is the slaughter and rain with gold patch. You can be 30 kills behind and still win because you get pickoffs and have better late game.


                                      i'm hating that i used to be able to sneak a game that was over in 30mins but now i have to make sure i've 90mins available...


                                        I think it might not even be worth it to gank early game any more. if you are getting a ton of kills you are still giving up the CS and XP you could be getting from farming, this used to be fine if you were actually getting a good amount of kills. in this patch the gold you give up from those streaks that you get when your ganks work out is so large that you would have been better off just farming or stacking for someone on your team.


                                          streak gold was decreased actually

                                          gold for killing heroes if their team is ahead is increased

                                          since people don't know the exact numbers early game there's reason to be ganking


                                            blodseeker rework is just dumb

                                            new kill bounties are even dumber

                                            there are more but i cant think of any right now


                                              i hate it cuz i gotta play 40+ minutes, wtf volvo?
                                              and if i die with godlike, enemy suddenly becomes jay-z with 6 items.

                                              WELCOME BRO

                                                @Rocket it's false, you can win in 20/30min really easy.

                                                @Violet Sky, don't die then ?



                                                  you can win most games if you're in normal tier xd

                                                  2014 devaslaytion

                                                    Gold bonus is like good and bad, when you are winning you don't like it, but when you are losing it actually gives you some hope of comeback. Some games where ppl give up at like 10mins in is also plain irritating. But then again I think the gold bonus is a bit too much, maybe they can find a in between from 6.82 and 6.81. It's a bit too much to get like 3-5k from a hero kill. Ppl are not robots, there are times when mistakes may be made. Lower it a bit such that there is some room for honest mistake but yet able to punish those who are overconfident.


                                                      Fuck the new gold & xp bounty system. It's like it forces you to play safe ALL THE TIME. Got a nice kill streak? Well, pray that you never die - otherwise that 0 6 0 spectre on the opposing team will get her radiance and wreck you.

                                                      Jay Ashborne

                                                        "making mistakes doesn't mean that you deserve to lose".

                                                        Most likely the dumbest fucking thing I have heard all day. This will help players learn to keep advantages rather than to over extend.


                                                          It's kind of strange, it encourages passive play on behalf of the team that is winning, and aggressive play from the team that is behind... If things go as planned Valve will make every game last 50+ minutes this patch I guess.


                                                            i really though there would be more nerfs and some heroes that dont see any play now at all to get buffed. Instead ls, morph (gets nerfed), antimage (2 strength rly?) are left unchecked.
                                                            And yeah, this kinda heavy games still happen.. a lot.

                                                            Sōu ka

                                                              the less people know about dota the more they use phrases like over extend and out of position
                                                              i mean you'd be playing easy mode if you actually could
                                                              and yes people will play differently but not because they learned something new or improved it's because they have to play differently because the patch forces them
                                                              if you think anyone in your games is going to be better at dota because the patch taught then i envy your level of ignorance


                                                                Plain and simple only thing wrong with this patch is gold from ending killstreaks. I love comebacks but a BH getting like 10k+ gold from ending my killstreaks is just stupid.


                                                                  Damn, I have some friends I won't be able to play with again for a while until they learn not to feed/not give away killing streaks.
                                                                  This patch punishes that veeeery heavily now.


                                                                  Sōu ka

                                                                    no it has nothing to do with kill streaks
                                                                    it's about net worth and net worth difference of both teams


                                                                      Still, I have a few friends that tend to die from going alone somewhere while we have an advantage. It's not about kill streaks directly, but those kill streaks will increase the gap of the teams net worth.

                                                                      kanye went to uni

                                                                        seeing a complaint doesn't mean that person 'hates' the patch ... i mean i quite like the new patch, but i do want to cry when there's an enemy pl. its not like im going to make comments about how everything's fine lol and i assume lots of other people are in the same boat.

                                                                        Sōu ka

                                                                          * Slightly reduced AoE Gold bonus Net Worth Factor for 1 hero kills from 0.5 to 0.38
                                                                          didnt think valve would change it so quickly

                                                                          they're probably gonna put it down step by step a few more times

                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                          Feeder Chan

                                                                            Meh I want urn to be fixed who cares abut bounty gold.


                                                                              just played one game on 6.82

                                                                              -> we are winning 26-4
                                                                              -> we lost a teamfight
                                                                              -> drow gets a triple kill
                                                                              -> from yasha treads to manta shadow blade and treads

                                                                              -> later on
                                                                              -> I get a ultra kill
                                                                              -> from 800g to 5200g

                                                                              the comeback is real


                                                                                the comebacks are just stupid at this point.

                                                                                We wanted snowballing to be less important, but now it feels like the whole game is meaningless and all that matters is the last 5 minutes.

                                                                                la the yeezy

                                                                                  The bounty changes is the awful thing about this patch. Core late game heroes will benefit this extremely and i will expect really safe and boring plays in competitive unless this shit gets tweaked in the coming weeks


                                                                                    icefrogs actually retarded
                                                                                    he nerfed dagon5 and eb simply to nerf tinker, when those 2 items were rarely bought by anyone else

                                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                      the kill bounty is so fucking retarded. playing solo ranked just makes it impossible to win if you're depending on yourself because just ONE mistake you make when you're ahead means you give away a SHITTON of gold.

                                                                                      Getting rekt by some nerdy 5 core carries when i'm playing smurf going 20-0 and dying once and suddenly booya. all 5 carries suddenly became so pro ROFL.

                                                                                      and bloodseeker is so fucking retarded. 40% damage amp, rupture lasts for fucking 12s are you fucking serious?

                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                        Eblade got buffed to be used by agility carries whom it was originally meant for. Not dumb, reworking.

                                                                                        Dagon wasn't nerfed because the additional mana cost was offsetted by the additional INT provided. It ONLY affects Tinker who is capable of rearming it and thus leads to an overall increase in mana consumption.

                                                                                        Don't go full retard. You never go full retard.


                                                                                          Dagon is best item in ardm!


                                                                                            oh i didnt read the change for dagon.
                                                                                            with the projectile for eb you cant eb and immediately adaptive strike a support without commiting a waveform + return replica if he has dagger/eul/(low turnrate+fs). u also cant go eb + bkb on sf to prevent getting bashed and stuff alr.
                                                                                            i guess it can be better for stuff like luna gyro so ur point is true i guess.
                                                                                            whatever the nerf on tinker is still dumb he should have just done dota1 parity for tinker which would have made way more sense
                                                                                            ie. preventing blinking into unexplored fog
                                                                                            fix march making creeps behave in a retarded manner, dota 1 creeps run from march not aggro you
                                                                                            fix rearm refreshing blink
                                                                                            fountain buff removal

                                                                                            its as if icefrog doesnt read dev or some shit
                                                                                            ti2/3 (cant remember which one) ta was fp/fb, then they nerfed her slow and refraction without fixing her inconsistencies until much later because dota2 spill range was much wider than in dota1 u can just auto attack creeps and expect 2 spills per wave.

                                                                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                            one and half gun

                                                                                              also tinker marches didnt deal 1025910510 dmg, you could actually void marches

                                                                                              one and half gun



                                                                                                  Y people so mad because tinker can no longer burst poor supports before they can even react. Every one saw the eb dagon nerf at least from a mile away.


                                                                                                    no ones mad its just so stupid to introduce new nerfs when you could do proper parity/bug fixing which does the same thing as a nerf while maintaining consistency with dota 1 and dota 2. not to mention a few patches down the road u will probably see those exact parity changes and tinker will be weaker than ever.

                                                                                                    another example: furion treants 20% magic resistance to 0. what the fuck? what about his treants getting 0 aggro?

                                                                                                    one and half gun

                                                                                                      remember when dota 2 was just meant to be dota on a new engine

                                                                                                      what happened xD

                                                                                                      game is bad

                                                                                                        This patch seems to benefit 5 core more than ever, since comebacks are easy as fuck, so having supports would be a liability for late game.