General Discussion

General Discussion6.82 eblade, heavy nerfed, was it really needed?

6.82 eblade, heavy nerfed, was it really needed? in General Discussion

    Like before the patch, the only heroes you would buy eblade are tinker and morph (as a core). And not much other heroes bought them. It was so unused item since forever, and it sees a little play in the last patch and gets nerfed HEAVY.
    I would agree with one of the nerfs (for ex with the projectile OR not turning the caster in etheral form when casted on enemy) BUT with both it kinda really falls off. To burst an enemy takes a lot more, and you risk your positioning (very much), he can dodge it, even run away a bit for you to loose vision or get out of range, and since you risk your hero position, you don't get the etheral form either so you will just get jumped on. Its like it does worse to you if you try to use it. Tell me if i miss any point here.
    Stop with the indirect nerfs Volvo, this one is stubid.

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    Ego complex

      It isnt that big of a deal, just get used to it. I agree that it was way better when it didn't had projectile, but now atleast it gives some chance to evade.


        I don't know,
        so unused item, little play,
        and suddenly everyone is complaining


          ^true this :laugh:


            without even having invis invoked you can Ez dodge Eblade.

            Sup m8

              I think they needed it because of tinker. Eblade Dagon on him was very op.


                Tinker was fine. 42% competitive doesn't lie. Eblade nerf was bigger for Morph imo than Tinker.

                Ego complex

                  I doubt that morf users will notice it. You wave in, closin gap, thenuse eb and adaptive strike. Low time to travel, means nothing. Just as @within said, after every patch someone has to complain.

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                    @imprecis, tinker player detected

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                      it has a 42% winrate cause of retards like you


                        Eblade nerf was deserving dude. There shouldnt be one hero that can just fucking kill you in 0.01sec with two fucking spells.

                        Just look at ferrari and tell me if it had changed anything, nope, tinker is not for noobs who abuse EASY accelerated farming.

                        Tinker is at where it should be right now, not too weak yet not too strong.


                          ^ 30% competitive winrate is not too weak yet not too strong? because he had 40% and people said it was OP.


                            @ ego complex
                            isnt waveform faster than eblade? judging from my memory id say he cant do the wave shotgun anymore cos he will arrive before eblade hits the target

                            MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                              tinker was just stupid to play against, even if low wr. Its like pl, idc if he had a 10% wr its still no fun


                                fuck eblade nerfed

                                no more games like this :(


                                I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                  so freaking slow


                                    i think waveform speed is 1250
                                    ethereal is 1100
                                    morphling cast time 0.25


                                      @Hm. Anybody decent enough will tell you winrates are bullshit. Rofl. Winrates does NOT factor in things such as drafts, teams who play it, which side they are playing on.