General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get 4.5k - 5k mmr?

How to get 4.5k - 5k mmr? in General Discussion

    I am around 4.2k mmr. So far it doesn't seem like the quality of teams is better than the 3k bracket if not worse.

    Just want to know how you got to 5kmmr? how difficult was it? were there many games were you had to play catch up from behind?

    Heros recommended?

    I'm sure it has been asked before but I want fresh ideas because this new match has changed the meta quite a bit.


      Pick PA everygame go mid and don't feed

      Arteezy is love


        Oh really? what mmr is that advice coming from?


          Every mmr, but the much depends where are you from.
          If you are from America, go in europe servers.

          5k mmr usa = 50k mmr europe

          I'm 14k mmr let me mid

            He's a nooooooob, dont trust him, he's stucked in 2.6k mmr and he do disasters like that:

            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

              5k U.S.A. = 50k E.E.U.U.
              Sure bro, when i have peruvians in the team they demonstrate it to me allways.


                Yeah trust Windrangers carry, they will carry you SOMEDAY.

                Jokes aside, just git gud

                Sōu ka

                  easiest and most reliable way to gain mmr is by actually improving
                  easiest and most reliable way to improve is by doing the same shit every game and to see what works and what doesn't and trying to figure out why
                  in your case i'd start by not queuing for every fucking server to get some consistency

                  King of Low Prio

                    "I am around 4.2k mmr."

                    "the quality of teams is better than the 3k bracket if not worse."

                    reading your own statements you only have 2 conclusions to make

                    1) MM is worthless and you are no better than 2k posters


                    2)You are just whiny after losing a match

                    If the people are no better than 3k MM matches then do exactly what you did to get to 4.2k


                      @Sōu ka

                      Been actually spamming terrorblade which got me out 3k mmr but its getting boring time an alternative.

                      blease someone from 5k mmr scrub club

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        1. You can get to 5k with any hero, some are just harder than other because of their low impact or because your teamate will troll you since you picked it.

                        2. Your core mechanic sucks. If you can't get past 4.2k, you need to improve your last hitting, map awareness, counter picking ( if you're into that ), rotation around the map ( if you're support ), when to take fights as carry or when to farm. Lane control is important too. There's more stuff you probably need to improve but focus on them first.

                        2.1 Last hitting. You think you can last hit properly, you're wrong. You need to master how to last hit and always try at any point in the game ( it eventually become automatic ). There's many ways to practice it: Pubs, 1v1, bot games or you can do like me and just get into a lobby alone and for 10 minutes and last hit without any item and do that for 5 mins because after it's pointless you have too much damage.

                        2.2 Map awareness. You have to watch everything you can on the map, look at your ennemy's item or see if any hero is missing for a long period of time. You eventually get better at it by playing pubs/competitive. Just remember to watch your ennemy's item.

                        2.3 Counter picking. Not much to say about that, you'll eventually learn hero's counter. Doom is the counter to anything which is why he's so strong.

                        2.4 Rotation around the map. As a support, you have to rotate around the map. Yes it is good to give the lane advantage to your carry but if you always stay in the lane it's 3 heroes for 1. If you roam, you can gank mid, their carry and bottom. This will force the ennemy team to play more passive and you guys will get a small lead early game. To do that, don't forget to get smokes and have a tp on you at any moment in case one of your ally gets dived. To improve that, you need experience mostly and you can watch better players ( I suggest pro games because even 5k's are retarded when it comes to that ). You'll learn that ganking a storm is easy before level 6.

                        2.5 Taking fights. A lot of people don't know when to farm or when to fight. This is one of the hardest aspect in a pub game. You'll learn on your own when to take fights or not tho some heroes can help you learn about that like juggernaut since he can do both pretty easily. One of my advice is when you want to farm, don't just stay afk in the jungle, force the ennemy to come def a tower and when you back ( because you see tp ) that's when you go farm the jungle. That way you give some space to your allies and farm at the same time.

                        2.6 Lane control. If you play any kind of core this is important to master. You have to control your lane which means keeping the equilibirum when you want to safely farm and stop the offlane from getting xp. Targetting the ennemy hero so that an ennemy creep or two come towards you so you can safely farm them. There's a lot to learn about that and I can't name all of them. For equilibrium you can practice it as the same time as last hitting. For targetting hero, I recommend you do it in pubs to not get any bad habit.

                        3. Mentality. You are not in a game to win, you are in a game to improve. That means all that matter is you, not the allies, not the mmr, not the ennemy. Why do I say that? Simply because you want to test your limits. Let's say as offlane. You can play it passive not taking any chances but you won't improve. You won't know when you can kill people because you never tryed it. Yes you'll die a lot, yes you might lose a bit more but in the end you'll have improved a lot faster and a lot more and eventually you'll win a lot more. There's some difference in mentality when it comes to which hero you should play. Some say it's better to master a role ( x heroes ), some say it's better to have 3-4 heroes that you master completely and others prefer to be average on all. On my part I prefer to mix mastering a role and being average on all.

                        3.1 Mastering a role. Basically it means you'll know how to play heroes that fit a role. There's a lot of pros to do that. You develop certain skills for the lane like being patient on offlane. You also get good with the specific heroes. You get better witht he mechanics linked to the role( supports don't really need lane control but need a lot of map awareness ). One of the con about doing that is you won't know a lot of different heroes and if you end up agaisnt something unusual in your lane you might not do as good as usual.

                        3.2 Mastering 3-4 heroes. A lot of 5k+ do that and the reason is you'll be so used to these 3-4 heroes that you'll know almost any match up and it'll be almost impossible to beat you in the lane even with a hard counter. Dragonfist is the best exemple of that type of mentality. His storm and his TA are so good he don't care whoever he face and ends up winning. This is great if you like to snowball since you won't be shutdown. I don't really see any con about that except in competitive where your heroes can be banned and then you become an average/good player only instead of being amazing.

                        3.3 Average on all. I say average because it's really time consuming to learn every hero. I don't really recommend this style if you want to climb mmr and the reason is you won't have a lot of impact in the game. You won't be able to stomp your lane like the two other style above, you won't have mechanics as good as the two others. The reason why I think this mentality is good is because it gives you a global view of the game. You'll know what every hero does, their pattern ( a ursa roshing after 4-5 min ) and allow you to make some calls. But for your question I recommend not to use this mentality when playing.

                        There's a lot more stuff I can talk about but I feel on this forum it's a waste of time since trash will tell me I'm wrong when they don't know what they are talking about. So just try to improve on the mechanics I told you above in the post above, adopt a mentality and stick to it. One last thing, remain calm even if you see your mmr go down, you'll get it back anyway since you'll be improving. You can't win them all.



                          Thank you so much for sharing with me your wisdom. I think your advice is spot on, never really put any deep thought into mastering 3-4 heroes and mentality. Mentality is the biggest issue. It is weak with team members aand can somewhat be a problem, they look at the score and see 1-10 and have already given up the game, saying things like "gg we lost". My guess is you are 5.5k mmr? Nice earth spirit you play there, I find that hero hard to master.


                            "5k usa = 50k europe"
                            haha. hahahahahha. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


                              also play pa and razor mid, ez wins. i mean last patch razor was very good, idk now tho, didnt play him

                              Welt aus Eis

                                2k SA = 10k rest of the world


                                  Nice wall of text Saoulfou ... no really, good to read, I know if you are good enough you can have high impact with any hero.. but most of us are not so I guess using high impact is quite good.


                                    0 MMR korea = 10k europe


                                      If you feel up for it and think that your mechanics are decent, you can learn to play invoker QW build offlane, works for me 75% of the time.

                                      Usually if I get a fast phase boots its just GG for the enemy team. If not, just soaking enough levels from offlane and carrying a TP ALWAYS is very important. TP dives and just get free kills and then snowball to victory.

                                      Ez +25mmr

                                      Done this on countless accounts, highest i went was 5.1k with this method and 2 other accounts 4.8k

                                      Oh and, this is done on SEA server.

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран


                                        I got up to 5k playing only supports, then reached 5.6k alternating betwen jug, am and void depending on how I felt ( I was first picking them ). Decided I needed to learn more heroes and eventually went down to 5.3k. Right now I am playing bat and going up.