General Discussion

General DiscussionSo I went to EGX London 2014

So I went to EGX London 2014 in General Discussion

    Bought these cute little buggers from the secret shop


    Also they have a really cool (albeit quite small) Dota scene there, just queue up to play casual lan matches with other people (not knowing skill levels etc, all 6.82), all of which are casted by the casters

    Such good fun that I may have forgotten to go and visit other games while I was there


      Wow that Tiny is epic 😃


        I bought Tiny and VS, and my friend bought Doom and Slark and will probably buy CM today, neither of us got gold :(


          How much you payd ?


            Too much... About £50 for both

            Low Expectations

              Welp I wish I could buy tiny unfortunately not available in post communist countries :(