General Discussion

General Discussionstupid mute system is back

stupid mute system is back in General Discussion
    all i said at this game is "you guys inflated your mmr by picking void and doom everygame. retarded 5k trashs."

    now im in low priority for 5 games and muted 24 hours


      kuryeyi bile cektiginde reportlayan community var ise mute yemengeyet normal


        ive literally thrown 400 mmrs worth of games by jungling/ancients with retarded heroes and haven't gotten muted or low priority even though my team flames me nonstop

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          Welcome at Dota2.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Yıldız sen misin la?


              im afraid to get out of low priority before they fix this...


                Thanks for providing more reason for me to quit dota, lmao.


                  Dude don't hate the players, hate the game. There's no such thing as inflating MMR, everyone plays on the same conditions.

                  Pom Pom 🍕

                    I'm glad they go stricter on this, since the negative community is probably the biggest turnoff for dota. Doesn't even feel good winning when your team has been flaming each other all game, would rather we lost those games.

                    It's a team game, you should communicate as one, not trashtalk about how your team sucks. Better to advice them what they should do better and try to help them step up in the game. Keep a strong morale, don't make your team your enemies.