General Discussion

General DiscussionThe new formulas...

The new formulas... in General Discussion

    ...were good ideas but badly executed.

    I sincerely think its retarded that good play is punished right now lol. Anyone appreciating the retarded comebacks were clearly on the lesser skilled side of the spectrum. I crush you at mid with denies, last hits, rune controls and zone you out completely and rape you 5-0. 15 minutes later you press an ult and that difference of XP and Gold has come close to nil.

    I guess its only a matter of time before Icefrog patches this though. The negative impact it will have on the competitive scene will be too high.

    The sad part is it might take time because bad players are lovin' this patch.

    Jay Ashborne

      Tinker 108 - 54.63% - 3.88


        Slightly reduced AoE Gold bonus Net Worth Factor for 1 hero kills from 0.5 to 0.38

        There's that!


          Yes, so go through my game history and look how much I've played him recently. Like what, 5 times in the past 100 games?

          Besides, this is about formulas. The hero changes were fine.

          one and half gun

            i lost like 6 games in a row with ta because i died once and the enemy supports could buy bkb/scepter


              doing well in the early game is not an excuse to slack off in the mid game now.

              the formula's numbers may be tweaked in the future, but will have the same purpose, to give teams that are behind a better chance to come back.


                Lol that is bullshit Andro. For someone who does explanations all the time on dbuff you should know.

                The only way to beat this system is to get 0 deaths. Sadly, I don't think I'm capable of 0 deaths. I even die when playing with players 1.6k MMR below me. Saying you can't die because you're ahead is absolute BULLSHIT.

                Previously, it would have been strategic move to take down 3 enemy heroes solo as a fed mid in exchange for dying. Right, try do that now and they all can buyback with extra gold and levels lol.

                one and half gun

                  nah andro ur wrong and u know it

                  this is probably the worst patch in the history of dota 2 right after the centaurs ulti having 50 cd and stunned everyone or the drow ulti being global 24/7


                    i've had this game where rubick got my godlike streak and he got like 2 items off me and made the game a bitch, even tho we were winning so easy early, its stupid

                    one and half gun

                      excuse i, i was wrong

                      cents ulti was not on 50 cd, it was 65 cd but the manacost was 50 and the dmg was 200 + 2x ur str i think


                        Keep all other changes apart from the Earth Spirit boulder smash physics and all this bounty bullshit