General Discussion

General DiscussionThoughts on new pl?

Thoughts on new pl? in General Discussion

    I really like the change to him as a hero but I feel like he lacks something.
    I usually go mid with a wraith band + tangos and go for aquila + wand / drums pt into diffu and then it differs.
    Normally, I'll try to harras the enemy out and try to get a kill by throwing lance -> doppelgang -> charge, which works great in laning. But he feels so lackluster in the later stages. You can't farm properly with short illusion duration and doppelgang is really unreliable as an escape. If you try to use it to get over a cliff you can still be the one up the cliff due to randomizing.
    How do u play him?
    e: also, the diffu change quite fucked him since he upgraded it asap anyways which now makes no difference

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      He is x10 worse. Only cool thing with this change is that he can go over cliffs and doge spells.

      But srsly 8 sec and 4 sec on illus are so bad. You cant splitpush at all with doppelwalk anymore.


        thank you v god for your opinion in a mortal thread

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            did u actually play him? his illus die before they can reach a second wave. also, you need an enemy creepwave at the tower so u can actually produce them or u have to split push with 1 illu through doppelgang which kills your escape mechanism (+ mb manta)


              hero is not about splitpushing anymore but I think he is a way stronger fighter now though.

              In my opinion the hero is totally great now and I tried him once and really enjoyed him! Would totally admiral bulldog that hero

              Funny thing is that people still do buy dust to gank pl, since they dont understand the hero yet D:

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                He can still split-push, just his hero needs to be there. Also yes he can fight way earlier now and is actually very hard to kill in teamfights because of Doppelganger and constant illusion summoning with the ulti.


                  Earthshaker is even better counter now since you will always be close to your illusions.


                    I like it more than it was. the less ratting the better.


                      I played it once, illusion poped around every 5 hits, i was disapointed since i read 40/45/50% proc :(

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