General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do they do this nonsense!

Why do they do this nonsense! in General Discussion
bum farto

    Ego complex

      Simply, couse he is poor.

      But i like, how you were kind enough to trade with him. I would flame the shit out of him, then report him.

      Този коментар е бил редактиран
      bum farto

        He added me from another account and I gave him a bunch of rares I never use...

        Ego complex

          God damn it, wanna give some rares? Or arcane?

          Jokes aside, no need, i got shitty pc so it doesn't matter if i can't see items.


            Are you telling me that Steam item trades are feeding the hungry somewhere?


              im wondering why you would give that scum rares


                do you really this he is gonna stop now?
                U did a nice job, but not for a nice person unfortunately.


                  99.9% he tried scamming again after this.

                  one and half gun

                    LOL these scammers remind me of gypsies u come across the street

                    one and half gun

                      "pls buy flower very real 50 kg gold worth"


                        "and here,people, you see wave being wave"

                        one and half gun

                          did you take offense to what i said little gypsy, not like theres a difference between u and indians


                            man one of this guys stole a dragon claw hook from me :/

                            one and half gun

                              cant u contact steam support


                                i think its a little late for that, a year too late.


                                  yes we are persuasive

                                  kanye went to uni

                                    lmao you're too nice havoc

                                    Low Expectations

                                      Lol it said that I meet these gypsies aswell. The funniest thing whe I see them beg for money and at 6PM they go back to their Mercedes xD


                                        You do realize you just gave bunch of items to a scammer, right?

                                        I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                          Havoc, can u buy me a new pc? I'm not poor but my fathers don't want to spend my money in game stuff.

                                          I promisse: I will not drug deal for buy me a new one if u give me a desktop computer.



                                            i think u better gave those items to me tho


                                              He is not gonna change


                                                Wow that scammer is good, a play within a play. Worthy of Stinson himself 😊


                                                  if anyone feels the urge to share some items with poor dudes, i'm always here for you!

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    Wow, those "couple of items that I don't use" are like half my inventory. Also he probably just made that scammer a better guy so it's all worth it I guess.


                                                      Wow, how can you trade a panda.
                                                      Report Havoc plizzz, guys.

                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                        Whenever someone wants to scam me its some kind of a bot so my flames arent doing anything, feels bad man

                                                        "Hi my friend cant add you..." - this shit right here is so common


                                                          Just report the scammers. If you give them stuff then you will just encourage them to continue. :(


                                                            People who get scammed deserve it. Everyone it's enough stupid to get scammed deserve it. If i was valve, i would delete this stupid motivation for send a Ticket.