General Discussion

General DiscussionResetting LPQ for abandoning

Resetting LPQ for abandoning in General Discussion

    When does LPQ for leaving/afking gets resetted?
    I used to not get punished for leaving since it was very rare that i did it, but now i left 2 times in last 10 games and got 10 games in LPQ, so i dont know when your allowed to leave and not get LPQ?
    Plz no retarded replys like "dont leave" or "you deserved it" or "wont tell you so you can abuse system" etc...
    Reply only if you know exact number or some equation if its depends on several factor, or with your xp with this matter (like "i left 2 times in 17 games got LPQ or left 2 times in 29 games didnt get LPQ" etc)!

    my MMR from time when i cared about it on this account, if you find it relevant for this question (i dont, but most players bring it up on this forums as i have noticed):

    I'm 14k mmr let me mid

      You can leave 1/20 games i think


        1 abandon every 25 matches.