General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win with Spectre?

How to win with Spectre? in General Discussion

    Seems unpossible to me


      Every time I pick this hero I go solo vs strong offlaner and I never have any kind of support or space , not even a 2 minute of space any game. I just played vs solo Viper all time Rubick was pulling and roaming feeding and Axe was afk jungle

      kanye went to uni

        bogi you need to show me how this brood build of yours works i need help


          ^ watch some of my replays and you ll learn fast

          Dire Wolf

            not sure but spectre is winning over 60% of matches in 6.82 and 6.82b. Longer games I guess. Just don't pick him when you have no support?


              ^ I instant pick him first,than my 4 teammates nobody picks support at 4500 mmr thats life. Or I have support like Rubick who cant zone out hero like timber centaur or viper

              kanye went to uni

                jesus christ people feed couriers when their team's stomping? wtf


                  press r
                  press d


                    "Every time I pick this hero I go solo vs strong offlaner and I never have any kind of support or space , not even a 2 minute of space any game. I just played vs solo Viper all time Rubick was pulling and roaming feeding and Axe was afk jungle"

                    How's this Spectre's fault?

                    Check this match:

                    We won this 3vs5. Granted Sniper mopped up but it was also much due to my Spectre forcing them to deathball all the time while we could split push. This game really opened my eyes to how menancing Spectre can be.

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                    PINGU NIDEPIGU

                      spectre strong please.


                        i think u need small earlygmae items like bracer and poor mans shield / urn urn is really good u can join fights and get kills if u dont get much farm


                          Before 6.82 I had a really horrible time with spectre but 1 recent game clearly showed why this guy has 60% win rate. Watched a couple of games of ee-sama and arteezy and realised urn is quite possibly the best item for spectre early game. Ulti, get kills and get urn charges tp back to lane and continue farming.. Also crimson guard is op on this hero.


                          Solo lane against clinx and nyx.. I had around 10 creeps in first 10 mins. Had to dagger into trees just to get xp. T1 fell in 5 mins uncontested. They only let me farm when creeps started pushing t2 tower.

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            You forgot blademail
                            urn is always good for any heroes that always join team fight like spectre


                              bogi since im around your mmr right now i can tell you why cause ive done the same and dude.... people dont even care about carry now its a lost lane unless you take it upon yourself to support him (carry) and make it work! people just dual offlane and the last son of a bi-tch goes jungle or roam (uneffectively too). So to make it work with spectre you have to play him VIPER G-AY sTYLE, just go stupid shit items, ignore the refractio build and go for desolate and just ¤%&/( for time... since you're not even gonna get last hits and you're gonna lose the tower relatively fast :D! so whenever the chance appears you'll be alive with the extra boost dmg desolate gives you and luckily take down a streak moth-erfuc-ker which will help you to get the correct items you couldnt in lane (fast radi huge bounty or just diffu) and gg dude VERY HARD EARNED MMR... su-ck up the flame too so just mute cu-nts cause they wont play for you and they will only complain about a carry ez killable early game dying in a 1v2 lane of nukes and hunting you behind tier 1 :D (even worse with enemy zeus which happens a lot)

                              Paid actor

                                imo spectre shares some similarities with chaos knight, they both need kills to stay on par with other carries...they lack the abilities/item build to farm unless ofc u go for radiance but still u wont be as farmed as other carries coz u lack both the ability and the mobility to move from camp to camp from lane to my best bet would be to build early items such as phase/drums/urn and join fights with haunt get some kills and capitalize on towers and during the breaks farm as much as u can.

                                i swear the number of times ive seen spectre rush radiance with no boots is too damn high and i can tell u that they have failed in 9 of 10 times.


                                  Spec rushing rad is pretty strong because the whole point of doing it within 16 minutes is so your global ult wrecks every shite on the planet.

                                  Viable strat, but kiddies don't know how to play the lady. I don't and I never will because the hero is boring as fuck.

                                  Most of your problems aren't even related to the hero itself. It's team and communication, maybe wait for someone who is picking support or going carry and talk to the team. Or save yourself the loss to begin with and pick appropriately. Spec isn't good in every situation, in fact she is SHIT if you have a team that doesn't stack, pull, ward, pool regen, give CS etc. Unless you can mid like a god or are so good at the hero etc, then just fuck it and play her when needed. Otherwise the TEAM is stuck with a spec that doesn't offer anything to the comp.


                                    and there we have it boys ^! clear example of retard and fucking ruiner


                                      ^lol true that Beano. Time and again it a has been proved that rushing rad on spec is for the idiots destined to fail. Better go for early game regeneration and survivability items. Radiance is strong on spectre in any stage of the game.. scales insanely late game.


                                        I will kill people who are going Radiance on Spectre without boots or with boots/treads/phase I ll litteraly kill them, fucking dumb shits like this Stantion dolbajob. YOU NEED FUCKING VANGUARD OR DRUMS ALWAYS ON FUCKING SPECTRE DONT TALK


                                          You guys suck, Spectre is the new push meta, replacing Razor and DP.


                                          Rusty Ken (retiring)

                                            When should I get vanguard or drums on spectre?




                                                after boots -.-


                                                  since the patch I have been going QB+phase+OoV+vanguard (not always in that exact order), and then going for either diffusal or radiance next depending on how well the game is going. In the past she always felt like she had no lane presence, but with the combined move speed buffs/defuffs from dagger+boots+OoV you can basically chase anyone down, so if you ever have more health then one of the heroes you are laneing against you just commit and kill them. If you need to courier in a salve first thats fine. the free pathing from dagger will let you run through some trees after the kill (or at least give you a MS buff in when running away) so their lane mate doesn't get a return kill. she still farms slow as fuck if you don't have a radiance, but you can spend more time farming since you can just ult into fights. your farming also speeds up a bit if you have a lot of mana from items since dagger will do OK aoe damage to creeps and let you save a lot of time moving from camp to camp/lane, just make sure you save enough mana to ult and cast dagger once in a fight.

                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                    ask Chris

                                                    Bat Damon

                                                      He is not a hero you can rambo pick like void, or slark, or the other currently broken heroes. Ive got about 60% win rate and a 5.0 KDA with spec so hes definitely winnable. I haven't played him for a few weeks. He is still my favorite hard carry though. You have to be careful when you pick him to make sure you will have a babysitter or make sure you will be vs a solo laner. Now that vanguard can be upgraded its a way more viable item for spec. I used to get it just because of how tanky it makes you early if you get your refraction passive. Its really just up to picks, being smart early, and farm farm farm till a team fight and then ult in and just go for it. If your gank senses are tingling just dagger and run. You can try different builds with him but that is really also up to what your up against. Need dmg? or Tankiness early? Make it to 35 minutes with good farm and you will take over that game unless your team has already fed. Imo you just have to consider more variables then with a hero like void.


                                                        dude if you havent played him lately then stfu! like srsly GTFO SHIT

                                                        we're not talking about spectre a few patches ago fuc king peice of shit

                                                        PINGU NIDEPIGU

                                                          wtf. who said spectre has to get vanguard or drums before getting radiance?


                                                            ME ^ fucking noob


                                                              This forum needs a report button.

                                                              Flat is Justice!

                                                                oh bogi, i love your salty tears
                                                                cry more

                                                                Midi Prill

                                                                  sceptre hard hero men


                                                                    Slahser has a really nice specter guide on youtube, basically.... Treads OoV Urn magicwand -> radiance -> win

                                                                    Welt aus Eis

                                                                      Urn on Spectre is heavily underrated


                                                                        Thanks Waga, gonna check it.


                                                                          Guys, I'm pretty sure Koch asked in which situation you would get a Vanguard and in which one you would get Drums instead (or both, I don't know, I don't play Spectre)...not when in the game or after what item.

                                                                          go kill urself

                                                                            just out of curiosity do you guys think QB is necessary on spectre? usually getting phase boots up and running (or just a blades of attack) is more than enough for me and spectres not really an afk farm hero, but maybe its worth it for the pre-phase boots time?


                                                                              ^ its not just to LH in lane it lets you jungle way faster, farming speed is one of specter's biggest issues.

                                                                              go kill urself

                                                                                spectre's not the kind of hero thats going to be afk farming for long instances though. his jungling is pretty shitty to begin with and its not something you are supposed to be doing a whole lot from what ive seen its just rotate between lanes to find farm and hopefully you get opportunities to use haunt whenever its off cd

                                                                                i left her

                                                                                  hao did a fine job of spectre just now imo

                                                                                  Hao does he do it?

                                                                                  go kill urself

                                                                                    its hard to get the same kind of lineup and playstyle in a pub game sadly


                                                                                      The main issue Spectre has against herself is a problem similar to Void, boring as hell. Farm for 20 mins with marginal possibility to contribute

                                                                                      It has become the song of the new meta. Yesterday I watched a game of Alliance beating Fnatic (or KPG) where Loda on Naga Siren just farmed for the first 30 minutes and didn't even participate in teamfights. it was essentially 4vs5. Then when Loda was fully fed they switched into complete rat dota just sending tanky illusions to chip at tower until the end.

                                                                                      Certainly a viable strategy but it's boring to watch and it's boring to play.


                                                                                        You shouldn't be afk farming as spectre, though. Spec shines the most with an active team that forces engages everytime haunt is off cd.


                                                                                          phase is better for aggression, and blademail isn't a horrible pickup between urn and radiance against certain lineups

                                                                                          otherwise boots of choice>pms/wand>urn>optional blademail/bracer>radiance>yasha>diffusal>manta>refresher etc.


                                                                                            oov sometimes too


                                                                                              Radiance is almost an obligatory pickup this version. Without it you farm extremely slowly and running around getting kills is not how you win in this patch. You win by getting all the assist gold/exp and radiance achieves that goal superbly. It doesn't matter if they are knocking on your tier 3's, without radiance you are a huge liability to your team. You should really play Spec as an antimage with less mobility, less 1v1 power, less farm speed, and better teamfight.

                                                                                              My dumbed down policy for just about any hero is "don't engage in a major fight until you get [x, y, z] items." Obviously there are exceptions such as cleaning up extremely low HP heroes but those rarely happen.

                                                                                              Този коментар е бил редактиран


                                                                                                I did mean farming in lane. Spectre is tanky enough to withstand harassment and can use Q as an escape.


                                                                                                  can someone pls tell me what OoV is...


                                                                                                    orb of venom


                                                                                                      ahh that shit is good :) definitely would recommend if you have slots left...i usually farm and move with tangos all game until late mid game...