General Discussion

General DiscussionQQ thread: influx of smurfs, what to do?

QQ thread: influx of smurfs, what to do? in General Discussion

    I've been seeing a lot of smurfs lately and I you don't really mind them as long as they play well, right?
    Thing is, most of the time they will fail and I'm not even mad at them (like this TA in my last match who called mid)
    I'm angry that Valve reduced the lvl needed to be able to queue for ranked.

    My point is that if it ruins games at my level 4.7-4.9k, it must fucking suck when you are 5.5k+.
    I'll use the same feeding TA previously mentioned as an example:
    Dude lost 7 of his callibration games & loses 3 more matches. His MMR was 4850 when we lost so I guess he calibrated at 4.9k. I mean come on Volvo.

    I don't think it had has a lot of effect on my winrates, once in a while you will still get a smurf on the opposing team throwing a game. I just think it's really demotivating.


      Life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

      Theres 4 other people in your team. 5 in the enemy, the chance of getting a smurf is lower than placing against one.


        Like you said, there's nothing you can really do about it. You're just as likely to have a smurf on the other team as yours, so it sucks, but just move on and hope for a close game next game.


          I never had a smurf, maybe I should make one


            Rofl. 99% of the time when i play using smurf, the people crying about TBDs usually suck ass and they feed like 0-10 and expect me to carry his heavy ass.


              It is less likely to have a smurf on your team than on the other FYI

              Winrate during calibration has no impact, I was also 3/7 and got calibrated at 5.1k
              It is also likely that one person has a bad game and since he played a TA and played vs a few counters it might turn out he cannot do much. Imagine you play brood against kotl, sk, spectre, es, storm you can barely do anything when you are even and thats what you have to consider at times. Of course you dont mind if one person performs well but there is always a chance a player might have a bad game as much as it is likely that you might have a bad game, it does happen.


                I guess he picks TA to win Kappa
                12.50% winrate


                  i just had a game where 3 guys in my team TBD.
                  at the start of the game 1 guy asks what mmr is this, and when i tell him, he said wow thats so much more than on my other account.
                  gg no re volvo


                    Age of Smurf have began! hooray

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      Smurfs take important roles and fail thats the only problem, they think they are great most of the time but they are not, they get outplayed and stay useless the entire game.

                      go kill urself

                        i apologize for my smrufing

                        and account buying is a much bigger problem...i dont know why anyone thinks smurfs are bad. like if u win games u belong in that mmr. if i play badly its probably just a bad game

                        and @ above thats only the shitty smurfs, and if its a bad player who has 2k games and a smurf id just give it to the smurf since theres a 50/50 chance they're good

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                        Midi Prill

                          Smurf is not always trying to get 5k+ MMR, like me on this acct I just play on here because my friends creep my dotabuff and I don't want them to see if I'm playing sometimes cuz theyre like 2k mmr lower than me lol. but I don't want them to feel bad either

                          NextStep ®

                            The amount of smurfs lately is goddamn high. Pub and RMM...everywhere.

                            How useful was the PA.


                              screw you, smurf REPRESENT

                              go kill urself

                                ^ this argument doesnt make any sense. im sure theres just as many games where u get shitty players who aren't smurfs, but you don't see people complaining about the retards with 3000 games or something

                                ill start:



                                i think enigma didnt hit 1+ person in a black hole for first 25 minutes, after that he basically either whiffed or got instacancelled because he didnt go bkb

                                like why wouldnt u get bkb, after bat initiate u just catch Beastmaster in ult and ur guaranteed free black hole

                                almost cost me tha tgame

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                  What do you mean smurf? I see that people overuse and misuse this term alot, lot of love for smurfs too. Do you mean good players on beginner accounts? or bad players on bought accounts? or just people who play an account which is not theirs?

                                  go kill urself

                                    Do you mean good players on beginner accounts?

                                    think thats the rough approximation of how its used in dota

                                    go kill urself

                                      i mean ur just blindly complaining and not even responding to the argument. do u keep track of how many games u get players with 3000 games or some absurd number (any non-smurf) and they feed? probably not


                                        I complaining, but not 'blindly'. I'm convinced that my argument has ground. Let us look at my last 3 games.

                                        Is there a TBD Zeus going mid in EVERY game? Check
                                        Does the TBD Zeus get raped mid EVERY game? Check
                                        Does the team with the TBD Zeus win? Fuck no.


                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                        go kill urself


                                          ss 4-14 2k+ matches
                                          carry sven 6-10 2k+ matches
                                          enigma 1-9 4k matches

                                          meanwhile smurf zeus on other team (50 games) 11-2-23

                                          just took a match at random but im sure if u look more closely at ur matches ur just looking at the TBD Smurfs and not the players who just suck after playing 1000+ matches

                                          and basically every one of my matches has a bunch of retards who run around in circles, and its me the smurf carrying their ass. pretty sure most of them arent smurfs too

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                            Alright KiTraK` #NukePeru,
                                            I see what you are trying to say, doesn't change my mind though.
                                            I guess it's stupid of me, to think that I'm capable of convincing a smurf that smurfs are detrimental :crazy:

                                            Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                            go kill urself

                                              you see what i'm trying to say, but that doesn't change your mind? you're the only one here that isn't listening

                                              like ur just looking for a scapegoat for ur losses, and ur blaming minorities who people are stupid enough to think are actually a problem when they're just the same as the rest of the community.

                                              ur logic is to admit ur wrong then say i have no hope...can u make up ur mind



                                                Volvo should just get rid of calibration. Start everyone on 2,000 and +/-100MMR for the first 50 games. Fuck hero damage as an indicator of skill.


                                                  Ehehehheh, Im here playing halo reach and u guys encourage me to never download this game again, ty <3

                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                    i dont think you understand what a smurf is

                                                    smurf = experienced players stomp inexperienced players on alternative accounts

                                                    Harry hamburgerryg

                                                      That is lame, at what lvl can you now play ranked?. Also wont this rly fuckt up dota more than it was. I mean if its so easy to smutf now, people are just gonna smutf untill they reach higher and higher rating. And also what about account buyers, wont there be tons of people that will smurf accounts up to like 5k and sell em very cheap. Dota just keeps getting more shitty. Volvo is a fucking joke.

                                                      Von Darkmoor

                                                        Bah care more about the fact that 80% of the time enemy normal players my team herpa derpa derp atleast 2/5 so unless i play perfect i will lose almost instantly and if i play decent i will take it to lategame and then lose. I want matchmaking to make it so i can play horrible and mega feed atleast 1/3 of the games and still win thanks to my team not allways me doing everything on my fucking own.

                                                        i left her

                                                          Fixed Ranked Matchmaking not obeying its level restriction

                                                          rip smurf