General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is this?

What is this? in General Discussion

    So i decided to watch some page 1 games today, and just noticed this thing.. What is this shit?


      It is roof with aghs, He sentineled a tree and it is shown by that animation. This is invisible to the enemy unless they have truesight by the way

      i left her

        tree aghs


          Now WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!!


            "This is invisible to the enemy unless they have truesight by the way"

            Was that changed? Because it was intended to be seen when it was implemented.


              Probably balanced, because why would you put 4200 gold for a thing anyone can see


                Its actually rather good. Unobstructed vision and it last forever.
                Not sure whats he pointing out in 2nd picture.



                  I just tried it out in this game if anyone wants to see an example. I was very happy with it. It's also flying vision so you can see into the new fountain highground, for instance. I have maybe a dozen tree-eyes up at once in this game. The vision aoe is smaller than wards, but you can have so many of them. Also these trees add the DPS to overgrowth like it used to have... up to 675 dmg.

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                    "Probably balanced, because why would you put 4200 gold for a thing anyone can see"
                    You can see the green glow, but not the actual tree that's enchanted.


                      why no blink dagger relent


                        So is there any tree limit to this? I hope not.


                          There is only a practical limit in the sense that you can't get aghs until at least 10 min into the game, 20 min is more likely a good time for support and then the game will be over in another 10 to 30 min. The cd is 55 seconds so the practical maximum is probably around 40 tree eyes.

                          I don't get blink on tree because I find I can position just as well without it... may as well put the gold into something else. If I was playing against pros blink would matter. But in pubs it rarely does. If you are in a 5k + MMR game people are getting fast enough that blink initiations matter... but for nearly every ordinary pub game they don't make a difference.

                          Really you can build tree a ton of different ways and they all work because tree could play the whole game with no items.

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