General Discussion

General DiscussionHavoc D:

Havoc D: in General Discussion

    How do I win with my amazing teammates :(?


      By not buying Heart every game.



        More damage instead of heart?


          Replace Heart with Skadi. :V


            Damn you really like heart don't you?


              Only game heart was a real mistake was the weaver game. I needed it to survive every other time..

              go kill urself

                heart is a horrendous item unless you're able to split push effectively, same thing with deso

                linkens is bad that game too, you need a bkb

                bkb mkb crit butterfly then maybe divine/heart/manta, could pick up manta earlier

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                  > TA
                  > No orb
                  > Getting Heart over Satanic (or Skadi or even BKB) for survivability
                  > Not a mistake

                  Ok if you say so

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                  go kill urself


                    <3 last hits per minute, shit gpm...storm is so easy to farm jungle with


                    heart over veil shivas bkb


                      heart is not a "horrendous" item

                      Heart exists to do two (potentially three) things

                      1. provide a boat load of hp to survive fights

                      2. quickly regen health to resume base siege when you survived team fight.

                      3. Potentially heart also serves to provide damage to strength heroes who also need extra survival. A hero like Sven, whose god strength ulti only increases damage from base damage, gains a shit ton of damage from heart making the item quiet nice on him if he also needs suitability as well.

                      If you aren't utilizing the regen, don't buy it and get another item like satanic instead. Just saying heart is bad is just dumb though. Fantastic item on centaur or BB. Situationally awesome on many other heroes.

                      just building it every game cause "health" is silly though. BKB or satanic or Bfly is very often a better purchase.

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                      Sōu ka

                        people buy way too many fucking hearts
                        unless you're running at tier 3s repeatedly and have a frontlining hero other items are often so much better as long as your hero has relevant rightclicks

                        fucking paijkatt got 2 hearts today on razor


                          If you're playing a hero with good right click and no orb satanic is a better survivability item than heart. It is like 500 more expensive but it's worth it IMO. Plus you can stack for yourself with HotD to help negate that extra 500 gold cost.

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