General Discussion

General DiscussionHow is this even fair.

How is this even fair. in General Discussion
Oi m8

    So ive started this account to practice my macro heroes more.
    And on the second game i get qued with people with like 4000hours + in dota :p?
    Not that i really care , but how is this normal for people who never played dota before


      If you are talking about time spent inside game client, it doesn't mean that all of those 4000 hours are spent to matchmaking.
      You can just spend tons of games having fun playing the game without learning anything.


        Anti smurf system. If the game detects that you're not new to dota, it won't put you against new players but against experienced ones just as you are.


          put it this way; how is it even fair for people who literally just started to get curb-stomped by some veteran player on a new account?

          more like this IS fair


            I play meepo for a few games and I usually get thrown into very high even if I lose...


              How does it smurf detect if you lost the first two games?


                Maybe its because you're sitting in lane last-hitting relatively well.
                What's the point of "practicing" against novice opponents? You will learn much quicker playing against people who are better than you in any game that you play.


                  I think that steam have information about your computer, so if you make a new account on the same computer, you'll be playing exactly in the same mmr, just my theory


                    nope thats quite easy to disprove

                    Oi m8

                      I know that im not a new player , but my first game on the account , i assume a 4200 mmr players there , like if you just start dota , these players will totally rek you