General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it a thing when you got matched against 4.5k solo(4.2k) party play...

Is it a thing when you got matched against 4.5k solo(4.2k) party player as 3.8k mmr solo player? in General Discussion

    That was the match. At this moment, I'm at 3802. That was actually when I was 3750, but you get the point I guess.

    I'm not sayin' that match was unreal, actually, I rly didn't felt like He's anybetter.. He was decent. Not so good, not so bad.

    I'm talking about Terrorblade. He was in marty with some 3.2k friend. I added him later, and checked his solo MMR, and as I said, it was 4525.

    So, the question is:

    What's the main difference between high 3k/sub4k player and middle 4kish player?

    Mehanical skills? Positioning?


    I'm not crying, I just came to ask, to see what people think.

    This is a place for that, afterall.


      Imo the biggest difference is decision making: when to fight/push/retreat or splitpush. Also positioning; e.g. spreading out when pushing vs Blackhole/RP/Chrono etc.



        I agree with you. As far as I know, he really did best HD.

        I was at hard-lane as Tidehunter against him and rubick, And I really managed to hold my own against him.

        Also, I always felt when I was around 3.4k-3.5k(long time, almost 2months) that people in this part of 3k bracket have no clue about Chrono/Blackhole/Ravage.

        They play like there is no game-change ultimates on enemy side.

        While most of the time, I at least, try to avoid that.

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

          i get people with 7k mmr in the other team and 3.8k in my team aint no thing bro


            ^ holy jeez you are terrible 5000+ games and you are still in high skill bracket. The trench is real.

            Anyway to the op, the difference is very small in terms of what you can visually see in skill level, however the difference is that a mid 4k players knows how to exploit opportunities more often and farm more efficiently before going to the fountain.


              4k are shit anyway... the difference is they can win against 3k playing like shit because 3k's are more shitty


                4k think 3k no map awareness, dunno how to farm, dunno when to do what.
                5k think 4k no map awareness, dunno how to farm, dunno when to do what.
                6k think 5k no map awareness, dunno how to farm, dunno when to do what.

                Are there 2k?


                  tons of others pic, but i deleted my dota so i don't have any screenshots anymore


                    im actually 5.4k mmr i dont play on this account anymore...


                      jesus this guy's losing streak...

                      Dire Wolf

                        Terrorblade was the guy who is solo 4500? Cus he only has one tb game in his profile, the one you just played. Looks like he doesn't understand how to tb basically, I wouldn't draw huge conclusions off single game with a never before played hero.