General Discussion

General DiscussionWHAT HAPPENED TO MEEPO??

WHAT HAPPENED TO MEEPO?? in General Discussion

    I love the update to meepo for the easier convenience of the same key binding. But they broke something. Idk If this happens to anyone else but I can't give meepo clones tangos anymore, which is a really big problem early game!! Anyone else getting this issue?

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      there was a glitch where people were able to put many pairs of boots on the clones by passing them items. hoplfully this was just a quick fix and Volvo will work it out.

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        Yeah it pisses me of as well. Alas it doesnt matter for long.


          They also kinda killed his stomp ability though :-/ Since meepo is usually the higher level I've been noticing that once they kill me for the first time, usually after some kind of streak, it's a domino effect and I lose. I haven't won a game since the update. My win rate went from 68% to 49% :(

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            You played what? 8 games of Meepo since the patch? How could that take you from 68% to 49% with 80 games...


              Well once upon a time it was 68%...... It was more like 55% at the release of the patch


                Doesn't really affect my mapo games, the biggest deal was the 6.82 'exp stealing', luckily they have decreased in the recent patches! :D


                  nothing happens with Meepo, what that fuck are you talking about


                    I don't blame the update for my lack of skills lately, I just wanted to bring up the tango thing since its a huge problem early game. :-/


                      Yep it's significant, but people say that tango isn't meant to be shared to meepos so probably it won't get restored.


                        Maybe tranquil boots will make a comeback then? I mean, I know you can just send the one back to base but that's one less offensive/defensive earthbind at your disposal for a while, which could either score a kill or prevent your lane partner from dying. Hmmm... I'm probably just over analyzing this. :-/


                          Why would you do such a thing D: MEEPO HATER!!! :(