General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen is doto good to your health?

When is doto good to your health? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Thoughts? I guess sometimes is a good stress reliever and inducer?


      sometimes is a good stress? when you win your matches tho


        It's good to your health if you're depressed.

        Other times I'd assume it's not very healthy, as it consumes "laziness" and anger often times.

        I'm not saying it's dangerious in any case for an average person though.
        I've been playing video games for the past 3 years, and my health is totally fine.

        However my eyesight has been decreased when I'm in light places, as I always play with the light off.


          This is more on mental health but I find it's easier to deal with dumbass's in real life after playing a game with a keyboard warrior in dota.


            When you are over weight and you are too sucked in by DOTA to get up to eat, and you loose 50lbs. Then don't get that gastric bypass surgery, in which a doctor would have accidentally left a surgical sponge in the space between your stomach and small intestine. The sponge that was not left in your gut never causes you to get a blood infection that would have killed you. In this situation DOTA is not just healthy, it saved your life. Granted you have other issues if you don't get up from the computer to eat from time to time, but I hear that they have a rehab in Japan for that.

            Unity Chan

              it has its own positive and negative but mostly negative i think


                It's almost never good for my heart, because i stress too much about it. The only time i dont is when i get really descent players in my team and i dont need to tell basics 100 times. But that's rare as shit.



                  Miku Plays

                    its good when u win rares :D


                      I've currently got sciatica from a sports injury and when (like now) I wake up in pain, it is, weirdly, the only thing I can do to distract myself till the painkillers kick in.


                        dota a stress reliever?

                        i get stressed out before i even press the find match button because i know of the upcoming shit i have to deal with


                          When you decide to not join the no lifer farming digital number and play casually.