General Discussion

General Discussionhas the top 50 hero ranking thing been updated yet?

has the top 50 hero ranking thing been updated yet? in General Discussion

    just so i know if i can buy db+
    also gg just noticed this new feature


      I just checked you're not in the top 50 TAs.


        i want to check replays of good players (for several heroes), i know im not good enough for top50 lol:D

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          never gonna get plus until i make it to top 50 TA

          TOP 50 OR RIOT

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              Top 50 should only source from ranked solo imho...


                Zenoth is quitting for LoL? Ohmygosh.


                  Jason said they would implement a new system to display top 50 players for every hero.. its been some months now


                    ^yea no details on how it will work though


                      newsflash, it wont.


                        @ Zenoth, new rankings have you at #12 on TA.

                        @Concede new rankings include normal and ranked matches. We may change this in the future as time goes on and more players meet the requirements with ranked matches.

                        New rankings landing very very soon.



                          its less a "normal vs ranked" and more solo vs team match making. Then again I don't know how your new algorithm works. Might include some form of mmr consideration or "who this person faces while playing X hero" consideration.


                            What is the minimum games needed for top rankings?
                            Also, is there going to be a forum/blog whatever post to let us know when it was updated?


                              can db differentiate between ranked party and ranked solo matches or not