General Discussion

General DiscussionKDA vs Winrate.

KDA vs Winrate. in General Discussion

    So, tittle. Mostly interested about carry heroes and mid heroes.

    What's better to have? Decent winrate with nice/avarage kda(over 3), or a little above avarage winrate, but low kda(let's say 2 kda..)

    I'd rather play with guy with 3.50 kda on SF and 53% winrate, over a guy with 60% winrate and 2.50 KDa on the same hero.

    Sory for mistakes in english, I just can't think about that atm.


      You do realize that % actually shows how much you win while kda shows how you win.
      Think about what you just said.



        Ne kapiram te.


          Sta tacno ne kapiras? Radije bi imao lika u tiku koji pobedjuje manje sa odredjenim herojem ili onog koji pobedjuje vise?
          Jako prosta stvar.


            Radije bih imao lika koji pobedjuje manje(za nijansu, naravno) - nego lika koji pobedjuje vise, a ima KDA sa doticim herojem ispod proseka.


              dotabuff is alreadyinfected with fucktards like these... just don't bother helping them


                E pa onda si jedinstven po tom pitanju. Jer za public je jedino bitno da li pobedjujesh ili ne. Prosta stvar.
                Nacin na koji pobedjujesh je bitan za tim, sto je opet totalno nebitno za random ljude u pubu.

                Edit: cucesh vec i komentare drugih valjda.

                Edit 2: its fine, im just sharing my thoughts, which i would feel is shared by most. Its not really important anyways.

                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                  If 2 players have both hundreds of games played and one guys has a KDA of 10000 and a winrate of 1% vs a guy which has a kda of 1 but a winrate of 99%, which one would you pick. Also kda is highly dependent on whatever hero you pick

                  game is bad

                    People with high KDA are the worst players, because that means that they will not help you take a teamfight. They don't want to ruin their precious KDA, so they leave you to defend and you're effectively playing a 4v5 game.


                      Xan,ignorisi ovog baticu Benao, covek ima mentalnih problema. Ocigledno ne razume da je ovo Forum.

                      Ok, nismo se razumeli. Za public svakako, bitnije je da pobedis.

                      Mislio sam poredjena radi, ko je bolji igrac, na primer.

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        RTZ has low kd's lol

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                          Okay, you don't get me 1Winfor4aka.

                          If one guy has 500 Games of ShadoW Fiend, 53% winrate and 3.50 kda, and other guy have 250 games of Shadow Fiend, 60% winrate and 2.50 KDA what would you pick?

                          That's the question for all of you.

                          SF can be replaced with Tinker, Storm, Pudge or Void...


                            Pa vidi u bilo kom profi turniru, naprimer dok je universe igrao offline voida, decko imao 80% win rare. Apsolutno nebitno kolki je kda imao, niti je koga briga bilo, jedino sto je vazno dal si dobio gejm ili ne.

                            Kao sto rekoh kda ti pokazuje kakav stil igre igrash ne i zapravo koliko dobro igrash heroja. Dzaba ti 20/0 skor ako si izgubio gejm.



                              Ima istine, ali je po mom misljenu opet sve to relativno.

                              Opet, ovde ne pricam o abnormalnim razlikama izmedju kda/winrate, vec o nekim manjim..

                              I naravno, poredim igrace u slicnom skill-bracketu, a ne recimo, 4k vs 5k, isti heroj.

                              Slazem se da pokazuje kakav stil igre igras, no svakako, ako imas jak KDA- ne mora nuzno da znaci da nisi tu za tim, and so on.

                              Btw, Xan, koji ti je solo mmr? I koji si bese skill-level bio na DLG, ako nije tajna? :-)


                              Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                Zadnjih meseci ide od 5600/800 tu vec stagnira neko vreme.
                                Sl3 stari, 5 posle kad je bio uveden. Velika vecina istih je 5k+ jedan deo i 6k, zavisi kako je ko ostao aktivan.


                                  omg this fucktard has no salvation!!!!!!


                                    KDA ti ne nebitna stvar totalno, jedino je bitno da bude u proseku po meni uvek 2-3 + 1-2 je bas lose onda znaci i da gubi sa herojem ali imati kda 2.50 umesto 7 uopste ne znaci da je taj losije igra od 7. Pogledaj neke smurf accounte i one koji su igrali samo za winrate imaju svi po 7-20 kda sa svakim herojem i mislis da su oni sad bogovi sta? Arteezy ima na svim herojima na pocetnoj strani kda od 2-4 isto kao i Envy oni su ti cist primer jednih od najboljih igraca na svetu sa prosecnim kda. Kda je glupost ne obaziri se na to.


                                      Opet, pricas previse uopsteno.

                                      Ja ne kazem da nisi u pravu, ali ne mozes da kazes da ni ja nisam u pravu.

                                      Winrate i kda su povezani, i na obe stvari uticu mnogi faktori, ne mozes reci "kda je glupost", jer realno nije.

                                      Bilo kako bilo, svako ima svoje misljenje, to je sasvim ok po mom misljenju. :-)

                                      Xan, lepo, lepo.. : - )

                                      Sasvim logicno, ipak je DLG bio zaista community za postovanje.

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                        I don't understand what started you guys speaking in tongues, but I think I like it


                                          KDA is representative of how much risk you are taking: high KDA = low risk and vice versa.


                                            Dr Barber. XD

                                            Mokuljin, KDA is representative of how much you help your team aswell. Not only how much kills you can score.

                                            KDA is also how much you die, not only how much you "help" your team aswell.

                                            High kda can be good, and can be bad. It really depends on hero.

                                            But anyway, I like to see over 3 kda on most carry heroes.

                                            That's just me.

                                            me, government hooker

                                              I live for KDA


                                                MMR is in the game for a reason!


                                                  wtf guise don't talk in chino language, i can't understand shit.
                                                  suka idi nahui huesos


                                                    Goglo can translate it @violent syka :P :D

                                                    KDA je na kraju krajeva nebitan..


                                                      kda say many things compared to winrate
                                                      my irl friends got 1-3 kda and they are 2k-3k scrubs, and i noticed that kda is proportional to mmr


                                                        High winrate means that you've been calibrated way to low, and you are winning most of your games. It can also mean that you're 5 man stacking normal mm with very good players. Some of the highest rated players are sitting around 50-60% winrate on their top heroes with relatively mediocre to high kdas, so neither kda or winrate are good ways to represent skill.


                                                          "kda say many things compared to winrate
                                                          my irl friends got 1-3 kda and they are 2k-3k scrubs, and i noticed that kda is proportional to mmr"

                                                          So are you saying you are better then Dendi? Because you clearly have higher kda then him.

                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                            Shadow Fiend 228 61.40% 2.60 KDA
                                                            RTZ shadowfiend.
                                                            i guess he is fucking noob cuz he has 2.60 kda.
                                                            you better choose some 3.5 kda and 50% winrate.
                                                            logic pffffffffffffft


                                                              KDA, nor winrate say nothing about how skilled a player is (except if the players is playing most of his games solo).
                                                              Stacking makes perfect.


                                                                Winrate only says how accurate your calibration was. There are plenty of 49% winrate players at 5k+ mmr.



                                                                  violet sky, it just means you're not smart enough to understand what am I talking about.

                                                                  Ofc, comparing RTZ SF with some other SF, with lover skill and higher KDA is stupid, however, comparing similiuar KDA/Winrate/skill-level is another story.

                                                                  OFc, there is plenty of you with opinion: "Kda is nothing", but when it comes to the kda, everyone likes it higher then lower.

                                                                  It does show something, you can't say it doesnt.

                                                                  If you're playing support, kda also can show how much you support. If you're playing carry, KDA can show how much impact do you have.

                                                                  Seems like none of you don't want to admit that KDa means something, without any good argument.

                                                                  It's really easy to say: "It doesnt mean shit".

                                                                  Get over it, it does.

                                                                  For the record, I'm not saying RTZ SF is bad-one, or his KDA is bad, I'm sayin' that, for an example, PIS-yapeths would have at least 3K/D/A with SF, so it DOES makes him a better player then RTZ/SF.


                                                                    omg this guy is beyond retarded... i have no words to describe shit like him... srsly...

                                                                    BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                      wait do people actually care about their KDAs still

                                                                      BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                        LMFAO thanks for making my day, logging off now


                                                                          Just luck at this Bena, so pathetic. He's not able, wait, she's not able to say anthing except: "beyond retarded omg wtd drow feed feed".

                                                                          Wp dude, keep goin'. It's not like I care. I actually like you. :)


                                                                            They are coinsiding, going hand by hand. No idea how a player with 6 kDa can have 30% wr


                                                                              Look at it this way. The one with the highest win rate goes for the win and the one with the highest kda goes for the glory. I would rather have a guy with high win rate than high kda because I know he'll get the job done.

                                                                              Ego complex

                                                                                Decko, ti nisi citav

                                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                                  Assuming everything else is normal and were talking about pubs, I'd always take a higher KDA player with less wr over a 1-2 kda player with barely 50% wr.



                                                                                    Keep smurfing.


                                                                                      KDA really doesn't mean anything, only win rate is matters. Tf two players are very close in win rate, but one of them has a vastly higher KDA, it could mean that they are really the better player and just had bad luck with team mates in the games they played on that hero, or it could mean that the other guy wins by ratting, or that the high KDA player TPs in to fights that are over to get more assists, or wont keep fighting if he thinks he is likely to die even if the odds of winning go up if he keeps fighting. people have said it already but skill bracket matters more then those either of those things (assuming no one has an inflated MMR).

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        Farm and tower damage matter a lot more than kda since those are more likely to produce wins.


                                                                                          i just said that i am 4.5k and 3-4 kda
                                                                                          6k+ players usually have 4-6+ kda

                                                                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                            I have 6k solo mmr and look my kda , poz nasima :)


                                                                                              gle LeLemud xd

                                                                                              BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                                                just look at this noob xan with his low k/d/a

                                                                                                how does he have 5600 ???!!!111

                                                                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                  And I compared your kda with Dendi's, a random 6k player who plays solo a lot.

                                                                                                  Edit: ty xan!

                                                                                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                                    kda and winrate shows how much you stack on not ranked games

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