General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport Slardar

Support Slardar in General Discussion

    Time for some hard tactics. It's only a theory, don't throw those big Tinkers on my face pls.

    Actually, i knew what Sven could be good support, but this is not Sven, it's Slardar.


    1 - Good stun+slow
    2 - Sprint will get you to the target faster than ever
    3 - Amplify Damage can do wonders.
    4 - Great anti-carry support.

    Paired with Clinkz or Weaver+another support with ranged stun/slow(Venomancer/Venge), he could be very strong. Tested ~week ago on one of smurf accs on 3k, working 70/30 on 10 matches. Relies on your carry heavily, and requires mid/carry with stun/slow to get stronger ganks.

    Build - default curry slardar, without stuns.
    Items -
    start: 3branches+tango+clarity+courier+wards
    core: dagger+arcanes
    luxury: eul, shivas, crimson guard



      Horrible idea for pubs, decent but VERY situational in competitive.

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Terrible support but a decent roamer.


          The latest meta has made him even more situational and he's too $$$ dependent to be a good support. Sprint shouldn't be used for initiating because of the added vulnerability, it should be used for chasing. Get him a blink and think of Slardar as a weaker Centaur for enemies with invsibility.

          Този коментар е бил редактиран

            I don't think, that buying wards as a hero who desperately needs Blink Dagger to achieve his full potential is a good idea.


              rofl, do you even know the position 4?


                Yes, it isn't position 5.


                  Unless it's AR or SD, I'm sure you can pick better supports. At supporting he is a "worst" tidehunter, lol.

                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                  Jorges Sanz

                    Mediocre at best. Sladar's utility from ult only works best early on, best when he's over lvled. If you can't scale the Amp Dmg armour reduction faster than your opponent scales level and armour then its absolutely pointless to play him as a support and carry for that matter, you might as well pick centaur, same same but with global sprint aka stampede and better burst.

                    As long as armour is cheap, sladar is shit.


                      why not support BH -.-


                        Why no support with sentryes on the field


                          @6_din_49 here we go again XD
                          Slardar is just a worst centaur.



                            pretty much this.