General Discussion

General Discussionhelp with mmr

help with mmr in General Discussion
Unity Chan

    what heroes to use to fast climb from 3.8k mmr to 4k+? i like playing mid but is there like a fast way to pub stomp so early in the game coz im pretty sure if u early rekt ppl early game ur chance of winning is high unless ur team feeds so early

    jared leto joker official

      > if u early rekt ppl early game ur chance of winning is high unless ur team feeds so early

      6.82 is cumbags 24/7


        Feed early and then kill the fed carry


          well, in my opinion you need to play with whatever you're good at and at the same moment having a huge impact on game, so it depends from person to person


            Fast climb 3.8k-4k is Terrorblade.