General Discussion

General DiscussionAnd here we go again.

And here we go again. in General Discussion

    Sup. My build, skill build, td, hd, kda, lh and deny are pure shit ?

    Please argumentations.


      casual mystic staff ?


        ^It is totally legitimate to go for hex on basically any carry

        However I don't like the mkb and I would prefer a different DPS item such as bfly or buriza.
        Everything beside itemization is fine. (Have not seen replay)


          ofc but mystic staff first ?


            LH: 238

            well that hurts me


              heart and blink are very questionable

              mkb is a horrible item against non-evasion heroes

              last hits, hero damage, tower damage all sub-par

              only acceptable aspect seems to be the skill build


                Now, I'm no TA player by any means, but here's my thoughts:

                I'd call it a rather defensive build with heart and Hex, along with blink.

                You'll not provide the burst to a fight which we see most TAs does, bursting down a single target and getting away with the havoc created in a fight.

                I've not seen the game, but if I'd guess I think your blink dagger didn't get in very much useful usage, expect accelerating farmspd by a bit.
                They have a Zeus who can easily cancel your blink, either you want to escape or not.
                Also you don't really want to jump into their faces. -Chrono, Carapace, Bristleback, Elders aura.

                If I was you I'd go for a build something like this:

                -Powertreads (those bitches wants to run into your face. Phaseboots won't really give you an easy escape against those heroes, neither will they run. Bait your team, and rape when fight begins)

                -Yasha instead of blink, because I don't see how the blink got useful for you. I might be wrong though

                -Could build towards a desolator here, however keep in mind that's an midgame onlydmg item, and it falls of lategame so probably change it out.

                -I don't understand the MKB, as they dont have any evasion or are less likely to build evasion. Daedalus might have been the wiser choice.

                -I'd personally not go heart, and finish my hex earlier instead. If the game goes late, farm up and sell desolator for Satanic. Selling deso for satanic and changing daedalus iwth mkb and your dps wouldn't hurt in lategame, and you still had some survivability.

                -Heart? Get a bkb instead, gives you more damage, yet being more survivable. Yes, heart gives you tons of HP, but that doesn't necessarily increase your survivability. One stun and some rightclicks and you're gone. With bkb, you wouldn't get stunned, and you'd be able to kite eventually and get to hit some more.

                Although, your team-mates had unnusual itembuilds aswsell.

                When I'm in phases I am trying hard to improve, I always blame myself for my losses nevertheless of how the game was going.
                If you're in a phase you really want to improve (as for now, I'm just chilling) you should start looking over replays, and probably start watch PROs replays, especially of the earlygame.

                I had 28% winrate with Morphling for a long time (respectively, lot of games since the early days), but I decided I wanted to improve and bangshakalaka I improved my wr to 54% within some days.

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                Manly Unicorn

                  Game went on for more than an hour. Low Towerdamage, facing Void.

                  You basicly asked to get crushed very late.

                  TA is good at splitpushing. If you see theres a fight that you just cannot reach, pop Refraction and push the damn lane. You can tank up to 12 Towerhits without taking any Damage while pushing it down easily.


                    horrible farm, horrible build


                      phase + blink is a bit strange, normally people either go for powers + blink or phase + yash, going for both phase and blink seems like you are giving up a lot of DPS, for mobility that is already good with just one of those items. If you were going for sheep stick, you should have gotten the ultimate orb first, if it was a shiva's, plate mail would have been smarter, you also don't have a TP (or BoT) which might have been wiser in that slot. did you have buy back money because that would have been better then a mystic staff? MKB should have been a Daedalus (or butterfly as iwin said).


                        dude, man, bro.
                        wtf are those items, please explain why do you need dagger so much on ta, why do you need mkb(0 evasi enemy)!?!?!?, why heart man.
                        hex woulda been great against certain heroes, but put that aside, you have only 2 good items on ta (phase+desolator).
                        replace dagger+heart+mkb with drum/manta/daedalus so much better.

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                          why you don't farm
                          why you get heart
                          why you get mkb
                          why your k+a so low
                          why you don't fight
                          where is your bkb, how do you survive zeus/hex/dagon


                            Here is my explation:
                            With my build i don't have so much range. So what i do ? I blink in emeny ass and destroy them. It work so much in early.
                            Since i have Desolator, i can't go for a Lifesteal. So i was thinking about it would be good since Bottle regen isn't enough.
                            I forgot i can't hit void anyway and solo damage items sucks.
                            Beacouse i plan to finish game fast but i'm not enough.
                            >Magic staff
                            Was going for Hex, since no other did and we had to stop void in crono

                            get bored to explain


                              Bad cs, two blademails and a hex in opposing team but no bkb (+ nyx, zeus, dagon etc), no dps, useless mkb, it's normal that you lost.


                                Also, that skywrath game, I notice you took ancient seal this time but you also need one level of slow to setup your ult. Try to go 2-1-1 by level 4 and 3-1-1-1 by level 6.
                                This can help:

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