General Discussion

General Discussionquestions/clarifications for 6.82 butterfly active

questions/clarifications for 6.82 butterfly active in General Discussion

    1. the butterfly active last for 8 sec. assuming i have used it and it is on CD, do I lost the evasion for 8 sec or lost the evasion for entire period of time until it finishes it's CD?

    2. after i used the butterfly active and then i activate my manta/illusion bottle/self images, do my illusions get the speed buffs?

    3. assuming i have 2 butterfly, after activating one of it's active and get the speed buff, do I still get evasion (35%) for the another ones?

    p.s may i know how butterfly stacks? 2 butterflies stack s for approximately 50 % or more? would like to hear from maths expertise.


      1. 8 seconds

      2. no

      3. dont know, pretty difficult to test since the ingame ui doesn't display evasion chance despite displaying magic and physical % resistance.

      4. 2 butterflies would give you almost 60% more evasion. chance to hit vs 1 butterfly is 0.65. therefore vs 2 butterflies, the chance is 0.65 x 0.65 = 0.4225.

      42.25% chance to hit, therefore 57.75% evasion chance

      Този коментар е бил редактиран

        ha,thx for your insightful inputs =)


          You didn't answer his question whether activating one Butter will nullify the evasion of the other one. I'm going to assume it does, but someone should try it in a lobby.


            because i dont know. i can speculate but i dont know for sure.

            one butterfly cancelling all your others would be pretty shitty. since butterfly does not disable other evasion sources. i would assume that it would not disable halberd or talisman. but if you were to upgrade a talisman into a 2nd butterfly you'd actually be worse off in terms of survivability when using flutter despite paying 4.2k gold extra.

            if you want to, you can test it out in a lobby. but im too lazy right now.


              using flutter cancels all evasion from any butterflies you have, but does not cancel evasion from halberd/talisman

              creating illusions while fluttered will still give them evasion since the item won't be on cooldown

              source: tested

              TWICE WTF

                oic..thx zenoth