Isn't that very obvious?
Low popularity, few people searching for it
2 friends and 4500 can q same time and get matched ridiculously easily together cause of how few people qs for CD
Did this once with my old team. US East, Portuguese, CD and we all queued seperately and got in a team together. The enemy team were a team as well solo queuing and all people we knew.
Language + CD + similar MMR = teamed together.
If you look at the disruptor in that game it looks like he's still doing it
Just go hidden rank if you liked Capt Draft skill is the same only diffrence is the tryhard picks and the FLAMING rest is the same, ( can only speak for 4k+-1k ).
its not just being able to get matched with friends more easily.
even solo, if you're good at the game (like 6k+) you can get easier games because most of the other 6k players are busy playing ranked all pick instead, meaning the majority of players are your average 4k player. 6k player vs 4k player, do the maths.
also u maximise your impact you have by being a 5k+ by securing draft through captain with auto clicker
oh wait i didnt see that it was cd welp
FyyQ I saw your request on my phone, then it was gone when I got home on my pc. What's up?
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