General Discussion

General Discussionthis is what 4k is like i think?

this is what 4k is like i think? in General Discussion
go kill urself

    drow thinks hes doing more hero damage than me

    np thinks afk splitpushing and never tping into fights is called "rat dota" and "creating space"

    dazzle going dagon first

    how do you play this gamemode its like 4 monkeys running around on two teams except one of them has a 15 minute battlefury void

    Тази тема била редактирана

      I think I will stay right below 4k, dont want that shit, lol jk wtf drow bkb sold items?

      go kill urself

        drow had a midas hotd bkb and was building mkb

        basically every item except blink/force

        was sort of fun to watch them flame me though. np never tped into a fight saying he was "split pushing and creating space" and "i would die if i went in, id get chronod and axe chopped"

        im pretty sure drow said he had more game impact than me and that my death prophet should have been ganking all the lanes

        Този коментар е бил редактиран
        BIG FAT DUCK

          man i feel so bad there are some people i like playing with like havoc and then i'm like "oh fuck i can't use the screenname '4k mmr trashes' cuz that's insulting" lol

          go kill urself

            i mean hes a lot better than these people...a lot...

            literally russians would b better

            Game is hard!

              looks like 4k alright, you should see 5k tho, it's more hilarious.


                How can you lose with dp ? Bloodstone :(

                go kill urself

                  im 5, its a reasonable bit better

                  then again this is all relative and being a lot better than this isnt saying much but at least the people there kind of do things ok even tho half of its peru

                  dude ism its time to bring back the 4k = pick supprt thanks i think :D

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                  bum farto

                    Keep in mind I think exactly the same thing about a lot of 5k's, while I am mid-high 4K i earned my right to be there through a lot of games and am a solid player, a lot of 5k are horrible trash cause they get that number by making new accounts and thinking it gives them some superiority complex over the bracket beneath them possible because they were beneath even that before they made new accounts.

                    I play the same level and impact of support in 3k, 4k, 5k, and 6k all of which are brackets I have played in either through stacking, bad game matchups or through CM games or as a standin in tournaments etc. Its not the MMR that makes the player but the player, there will be good solid, reliable players in every bracket though obviously the higher ones will be more fine tuned.

                    go kill urself

                      mmr is honestly 99% accurate with where it puts mmr with maybe a +- of 200-300

                      only exceptions i can think of are like mason or other ppl who randomly throw


                        It's pathetic how this influx of smurfs bash the 4k mmr, i bet most of them are trapped at 3k and think they deserve better, then someone like swiftending or any other player that earned their 5k has to carry their retarded asses and wonder how the fuck those idiots got their mmr.

                        go kill urself

                          im 5k if you're talking about me ^

                          i think you'd be pleasantly surprised

                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                            I wasn't talking bout you, its just something i see in every post these days, but, if you make those claims you may as well show us ur main acc dotabuff so it checks out, gives you more credibility.

                            go kill urself

                              you can ask ism or fanofenvy or lightknight or someone who has me added but maybe ill post a picture of me at 5.4 at some point but it'll have to be tomorrow

                              i used to post exclusively on it so ya

                              Този коментар е бил редактиран
                              BIG FAT DUCK

                                @ havoc

                                yay we won a game today

                                yes you are right, i feel the same way sometimes about 5k's as well when they underperform. just today i flamed a 5.7k mmr player cuz he went mid and sucked. it's not that i don't like all 4k's, it's usually when i'm solo queuing and some idiot takes mid and u find out later he has 4400 mmr. it happens way more often among 4k's. do people with 5k rating go mid and feed? of course, but it happens much less frequently. it's unfortunate u have to be associated with that type of behavior/game play quality (4k being the "stereotype") and i believe if u kept playing like guiri/benao u would've reached 5k eventually. of course if u dislike solo queuing (understandable) then u shouldn't feel pressured to

                                anyways tl;dr i just use derogatory names like that when i'm frustrated with solo q players and i don't act disrespectful when i'm playing in stacks with people with various MMRs. i didn't want u to get the wrong idea that i'm insulting my friends for having 4k rating, it's just a way to vent my frustrations

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                                BIG FAT DUCK

                                  I think if u want 5.5k picking a do-shit mid hero that scales well over and over (Pandaren/Ember/Templar/Mappo/maybe PA) will do the trick. I'm not particularly inclined to play one hero over and over though, so it's going to be hard for me.

                                  The problem with DP is that she falls off against late game carries, so you're essentially racing the clock.

                                  I've seen kzz solo mid with earthshaker and sven and that looks pretty good, of course you need some finesse to play those heroes since their mana pools are severely limited

                                  Another option if every trashcan on ur team picks awful heroes is to go ancients medusa cuz she's great in team fights. I had to do that twice this week since I was 99% certain our carries would not be able to win in a straight up fight ever (One game I had a first pick Naix + my friend picked Brood vs Terrorblade + how the fuck are we going to win against those heroes if I went support?)

                                  The last thing I discussed with a friend is playing Veno offlane...I'll try doing that again and see if it works.

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                  MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                    whats wrong with brood vs tb+ta actually

                                    go kill urself

                                      honestly playing magnus is a very enjoyable hero that can solo carry games out of mid lane and is really underutilized right now

                                      with kzz i had the misfortune of having him and some random 4k shit on my team in the same game and they ended up dual midding with es/tinker i think, sad day. so thats the only thing stopping u from doing it - teammates that r stupid and think es mid is a joke. doesnt rlly have major mana probs if u go treads or just leave fissure at 1 for a while.

                                      my problem really isnt with winning games its just how frustrating playing with players with the 4k mindset of "im a god" when in reality they're horrendous. like that drow was safelane, went midas, had 5k hero damage (????) nearly no tower damage and like 10 deaths and he repeatedly said "kda doesnt matter, what kind of retard are you, you're just flashing a big number but everyone knows kda doesnt mean shit"

                                      theres of course exceptions and there are 5ks that r like this too but with 5ks its often isolated games (one or two) versus i notice this repeatedly from 4k players ive seen multiple times.

                                      mmr is pretty accurate like i said before, i mean for pros its w/e and for ppl like mason who throw every other game its w/e, but for all the rest of us its a 99.99% accurate indicator of where you are, yet people choose to deny it.

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                      Jimmy Low (Great Eastern)

                                        It's not even ranked


                                          congrats on gettin rekt dood