General Discussion

General DiscussionDiamond 10 vs Professional

Diamond 10 vs Professional in General Discussion

    How is professional calculated? Above 5k mmr you play the same people the pros play, so why is their multiplier for hero rankins inherently higher?


      I'm stuck at 10/10 Diamond, how do I get into Professional?

      The professional division is exclusively for players who compete play and win at high-end professional tournaments. We're looking into creating a new division between Diamond and Professional to better represent semi-pro players.

      -From the rankings page.


        I'm pretty sure that currently diamond 10 is way higher lvl than pro1


          matrice is probably right

          BIG FAT DUCK

            spot reserved for wave's inevitable commentary on ari's 7.4k

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            BIG FAT DUCK

              also ur post is half-correct, you do get matched up with/against pros more often but they get worse teammates (i get 5k teammates at 5k, a pro usually gets 4.5k teammates)

              not exactly the same experience

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                IMO the professional division shouldn't exist. The rankings are based on pub games, and everybody knows there are amateur players who are actually better at pubs than most pro players. Such thing as an exclusive division for pro players is nonsense.

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                Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                  You can be a 3k player, once you somehow play in one tournament match, you automatically get 99x higher ranking.

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                    "You can be a 3k player, once you somehow play in one tournament match, you automatically get 99x higher ranking."

                    That is not at all how it works.


                      It obviously isn't, or everybody would be on professional division... most players in top100 have esports profile. Even I have and I'm sitting in Diamond 7~8.

                      one and half gun

                        but it is, there is somebody from australia on top #1 to #5 on almost every hero and its barely 4k+ mmr there

                        then you have brazilian, russian, us west, south african and chinese 5 man stacking going on in unranked who can easily get top 5 within 30-40 matches and players with 1k+ matches and 4k mmr being at least in the top #5

                        its just not a coincidence to why several 6k+ players aren't appearing from eu west, even swiftending is missing and hes like nowhere to be seen

                        kanye went to uni

                          can u link the australian player im curious


                            why is waga ta diamond 9 and im diamond 10 makes no sense


                              the system is flawed, stop asking same questions ever and ever again..



                                kanye went to uni

                                  that guy stacks with high mmr players, that might be it? maybe dotabuff just sees him in highly ranked matches so he has a high ranking ... can't really blame them there, they can't see individual mmr

                                  the guy he plays with most is like 5.7k/5.4k or something

                                  one and half gun

                                    oh dear im just in fucking tears right now

                                    scenario 1: stack with 5ks and stomp low 4ks

                                    scenario 2: 6k player playing solo vs other 5.5k+ players

                                    i guess scenario 1 gets a free pass? ROFL

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                                      oh dear im just in fucking tears right now

                                      kanye went to uni

                                        i dont know his mmr lol are you very certain hes low 4k? his kdas are pretty high if hes getting carried

                                        kanye went to uni

                                          wait no wtf thats balls

                                          hes not 4k ... i refuse to believe that


                                            people giving rankings too much credit.

                                            its not solo que rank (allows stacked stats, which obviously can be skewed infinitely)
                                            its not mmr related
                                            its not divided by regions (hence you can have godlike stats in peru, and still suck ass with the hero)
                                            games played influence it more than anything else it seems.

                                            and i could go on. its pointless, rather fun list, but not even close (like 10% close) to actually representing who is "the best" with certain heroes.
                                            its free, its fun, its pointless, stop bitching about it and move on.

                                            the end.

                                            one and half gun

                                              when did i say he is 4k

                                              can you take a screenshot, underline it with red color and look up the words and sentence structure?

                                              BIG FAT DUCK

                                                i'm just going to repost what i mentioned at PD forums since everyone is taking this too seriously/expecting too much out of this ranking system

                                                [ reminder that communities equating to cancer (reddit/PD) thought DSR was an "accurate skill rating" before the introduction of ranked ]

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                                                kanye went to uni

                                                  oh i read "hes" instead of "its"

                                                  ur getting a bit hostile here...

                                                  one and half gun

                                                    its ok everyone does mistakes

                                                    Sōu ka

                                                      fuck you i was #1 dsr world in the 2nd iteration
                                                      best rating system ever

                                                      BIG FAT DUCK

                                                        i wonder what it must be like playing in 5 stacks and spamming ember/ta/tinker/storm mid every single game only to end up spot #10 on dotabuff's player ranking system (picsleader)

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                                                        Died cause of lag

                                                          what is this ranking ?


                                                            The ranking is professional and diamond. Having a division that gives you extra points in hero rankings but only accessible by 1% of people is unfair basically.

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