General Discussion

General DiscussionMore games showing as Normal Skill

More games showing as Normal Skill in General Discussion
Throzen Frone

    More games seem to be appearing as normal skill rather than blank. Not just for me (yes, yes, I suck at DotA and life and should uninstall, let's get that out of the way first), but for others too. Even on a new experiment account. And on friend accounts. Where previously almost all games would be blank, I'm seeing normal and even high (once, and I was destroyed).

    So I'm wondering if they have adjusted the algorithm, or reduced the uncertainty factor perhaps?

    Anyone else noticed?


      Yep. Before it would only appear every other game for me. Now it appears for many games in a row as you can see in my recent matches. Don't worry about being normal skill man, you only have 200 something games and have a lot of room to improve. Even i'm ashamed with where i am right now (barely in VH bracket) with 1k+ games. lol. I'm trying to improve as well though. :p

      one and half gun
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          its blank because valve does not release the skill rating of some games, its something the staff of dotabuff have a clearer idea

          ignore the flaming wave, he hasnt had sex in a year

          Throzen Frone

            That's a bet you'd lose, wave, but it doesn't matter either way. It's not the point I was making.

            Thanks, Tantrùm, for your response and encouragement. I appreciate it. Fortunately, I'm not too worried what my ranking is, or whether others think I'm any good - I just play to have fun, and I'm a stat nerd, which is why I got DotaBuff plus. Love tracking and analyzing. Been playing for 6 months or so (my account was used by my 13 y/o son prior to that), so I know there's plenty I can do to improve. Loving the game so far.

            Anyway, it's not about me, the reason I started the thread was to find out whether there have been changes to the way in which brackets are decided. Seems to me that something changed, but I don't know what.

            Edit: TY, Micro Jackson too. Useful info. So it might be that Valve are releasing the information more readily? Hmm...

            Този коментар е бил редактиран

              Now the bracket seems to appear for every game where there are no stacks.

              Not like this

                Yeah its showing my shit tier games as normal now as well. 2.8k ftw.


                  It has nothing to do with What tier o rbracket you are in or wether its stack or not. It seems that Vavle finnally fixed this or possibly Dotabuff. Anyhow it used to be 50% of the games were blank but lately 100% of my games show as very high.

                  one and half gun

                    if ur 5.5k+ it doesnt show what bracket you belong in 90% of the times


                      We improved an internal system and are able to get skill data much more reliably now. Skill brackets should show up for most matches now.

                      Throzen Frone

                        Perfect! Thanks so much for clarifying.


                          It's much better now, 90% of my games now have the correct bracket.