General Discussion

General DiscussionTop 3 most under powered heroes at the moment

Top 3 most under powered heroes at the moment in General Discussion

    1) Chen - an OK hero but awful in the current meta.
    2) Beastmaster - shitty stats gain, low damage overall, weak ultimate, useless boar. Only his hawk is good but its not enough.
    3) Tusk - just a stupid hero with no synergy of his skills. A useless feeder most of the time.


      1) Troll Warlord- Honestly that 10% bash needs to scale up to something later in the game.
      2) Lifestealer- A situationally solid pick and a fun hero. You can just be doomed from the start against full on ranged teams though.
      3) Rubick- Again, a situationally solid pick and a very fun hero. Also a huge sack of dead weight against a lot of teams.

      I'm going to defend Beastmaster. I'm surprised I am the first one to do this. For a guy who goes around screaming at people, his influence on a game can be eerily subtle. People are just afraid to give him a shot because he summons units. Getting your passive before Q and W are maxed seems rediculous but is actually the most common thing to do according to his dotabuff page.


        1) Windranger
        2) Enchantress
        3) Rubick (Im so fuckin bad at this hero I dont even...)

        бомба для члена

          tusk now is so useless


            ^lol, rubick and wr? :DDDD
            cm, tuskar, ns, probably beastmaster too.

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            Pom Pom 🍕

              1. Tusk - I kinda wish his ultimate did more damage, since currently it deals less damage than earthshaker totem, despite longer cooldown (at least it's 350% at all levels, so you only need one point in it. But more scaling would be nice). He falls off late game and doesn't really feel dominating enough early. For example Viper and Undying falls off late too, but they are still really strong the first 15 minutes.

              2. Windrunner - Why doesn't shackleshot do any damage too? Even pointblank mirana arrow deals damage with the 0.01s stun. Which is also a long-duration skillshot stun. probably more reliable than shackle too since you can combo easily with other heroes like shadow demon, bane, elder titan and naga siren. You don't need trees behind your enemy either (sprout-combo does work though I guess).

              3. Spirit Breaker - Wasn't sure who else to pick as third, but cow feels kinda weak right now too. Since the BAT nerf he falls off too fast and aghanim is pretty much core item. Maybe make the scepter bash radius even bigger?


                Ancient Apparition, Death Prophet, Faceless Void

                edited: I thought over powered. oh well

                Top 3 under powered is :

                Chaos Knight ( who needs this when you have more army *phantom lancer* and a real carry)
                Shadow Fiend ( so ez to rekt this guy, he even have his arcana just to boost his popularity)
                Alchemist ( when from TI2 and TI3 *carry to support* and now he's gone )

                volvo knows how to nerf

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                love for the a7be

                  Legion commander

                  Airi ♥

                    ^ idk. i just feel like Undying is not top 3 underpowered material

                    imho the top 3 underpowered heroes are:
                    -Shadow Demon, too situational, too squishy, very niche hero overall.
                    -Beastmaster, ultimate wasnt ultimate-worthy, his boar is SHIT copared to LD boar(bear), too tanky, item slot enabled and a chance to produce OG when procs. Boar does slow and nothing else.
                    -Chaos Knight, his stats does not synergize with his skills, too mana intensive to be a roaming support, too slow AS to optimize his underwhelming crits (look, even Brew has crits AND evasion), and his ult is shit compared to PL's illu skills.


                      1) Meepo
                      2) Bounty Hunter
                      3) Lich

                      These heroes give your team XP/gold advantage. Problem is that they can die easily. In new 6.82 patch you only need to die once and all XP/gold advantage goes to enemy team.

                      Dire Wolf

                        Why all the beastmaster hate? Scouting with his minions is amazing when done right.


                          I wish I didn't agree with the night stalker comments coz he is so fun to play now that you have an almost guarantee bottle refill but you basically collect money from the supports and end up delivering it to their carry following one mistake. still love playing him tho no matter how much I lose

                            Този коментар е премахнат от модератор
                            Dire Wolf

                              Why is nightstalker considered so bad? At level 16 spamming his ult night has an 83% up time and he is so powerful at night, 335 dmg nuke is a lot of magic dmg, an 8 second silence? Are you kidding me? And his passive is like a permanent mask of madness use.



                                I want 3hp base regen so i could use him all the day and win easy

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  Because even at night he can't do much and what is so surprising with 8 seconds silence? It's only 8 at night and DP has a 6 second AoE silence and Skywrath has an insta-cast silence that also lasts 6 seconds and also amplifies magic damage.


                                    CM: She's just too squishy and slow. Easy food and even if she has a big ultimate, there are just better supports who offer much more even when you want to pull off a big combo.
                                    Windranger: I think she needs too much skill for her to be effective and at the same time offers too little reward in comparison to other high skill ceiling heroes. Or maybe I just suck too much with her.
                                    Third would probably be Nightstalker, but mostly because even the pub meta doesn't suit him at all. He needs some buffs.

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      THE 3 MOST UNDERPOWERD HEROES ARE THE 3 TECHIES.



                                        His Silence also gives them a 50% chance to miss. dont forget about that

                                        Low Expectations

                                          I would agree that NS is underwelming but he has been for the past couple of patches eo I dont think its the 6.82 that changed anything. WR shakles have ridiculous latch range now but shes still weak in lategame.
                                          Personally I think enchantress is quite weak