General Discussion

General DiscussionThis should be fixed, lol

This should be fixed, lol in General Discussion
    26% winrate, ppl who lose game with courier in there inventory, not real winrate. dotabuff pls.


      its probably because of people who have no idea what the game is about and buy a donkey but dont activate it, and the occasional courier feeder.


        Like OP of this thread?


          what is he trying to say ?

          Sōu ka

            he doesnt understand that the win % of items on dotabuff is based solely on the game ending screen inventory of the heroes
            and since there's no practical use of having an unactivated chicken in your inventory when the game ends it seem rather intuitive that its win rate is rather low

            THICC BABY SHUM

              I do, thats why I wrote no real winrate. because for courier wards gems dust etd the game shouldent count for the inventory atend gme, it should count if the item was bought and courier should have like 55% winrate. the % winrate it says is not representing anything just shows how many games were trolling or just feding couriers and had some left.

              Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                ^ But the same goes for all items.


                  What's the point of this thread


                    ^If this thread can be said to have a point, it's that the Dotabuff item winrate system is imperfect.

                    Sōu ka

                      he wants dotabuff to parse every replay 100% so he knows what the win rate of a walking courier is
                      im going out on a limb here and say it's probably close to 50% xD
                      hey dotabuff i just saved you thousands of dollars each month


                        55%? It would be something really close to 50% because usually both teams got cour, 1 wins, 1 loses = 50% winrate.

                        The % that doesnt get courier at all is probably veeeery low

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          ya 55% because under 2k mmr and lp games courier not bought and thats mbe 5%.