General Discussion

General DiscussionItembuild for Meepo?

Itembuild for Meepo? in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    Hallo, so basically I am wondering what is the best way to itemize meepo esp regarding BoT, blink and Aghas. What order? I started going BoT after Aghas before blink when I am behind because it lows you to rat pretty well (died alot because enemies were literally just camping me). So what item builds are best for when ur behind/normal/ahead?
    Also dont look at my farm speed I am trying to improve that :D




        You get travels usually when you are ahead. Aghs then dagger. Then travels if you want. I usually get something else before it too, hex mostly.


          don't listen to sir rat a lot.

          power > aghs > blink > sheep/bot/eblade/manta/diffuse/skadi

          never get heart/tranquil. aghs before blink. ive gotten heart like once and i regret it. it's a pointless item.


            and i had notail telling me to get it over skadi in a game. its all completely relevant. as well with tranquils.


              Item build for rat meepo: Bottle (to survive lane) > BoT > Aghanim Scepter > 4 Ethereal Blades (for the twr damage)


                You can watch my stream tom @ 6 pm central. It's a nice community, and I interact with my viewers while I play. If you have any questions you could ask me there too

                As far as BoT goes, it depends on your game. I usually have treads first as its reliable. BoTs I usually get after Scepter/Blink/Some Stats. If you're behind, you can rush scepter. If normal, depending on your playstyle, scepter or blink. Blink helps you snowball faster if you're good at it. If you're ahead? Idk you shouldn't need tips, play as you will

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                  notail isn't even the best meepo. if you ever get hot it's extremely situational. should be for meepo who knows what he is doing only. devilish who is better than notail never gets it. only people better than him is like w33 or inkdota or something.

                  Low Expectations

                    Ok ao I am most confused about the boots since everyone suggests diffrently. Personally I never upgrade beyond brown except when for BoT (only when I am super far behind to theads). I dont get tranquils either, usually I just tp back with one meepo and I am back 10 sek later fully healed.

                    Also whats ur guyw opinion on Pipe on Meepo?

                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                      Power treads first. It gives you everything you need.

                      Tranquils are complete asshat shitstain water trash ever since the nerf. (on meepo)

                      Boots of Travel are excellent, but don't rush them. Power treads first. (You can hold power and bot at the same time, just make sure bots are priority)

                      Phase is stupid unless you have a phase macro and even then, you need mana/hp for jungling with meepoes.

                      Arcane is also retarded, if anyone mentioned it.

                      power > aghs > blink > situational shit.

                      Also if anyone else mentioned, meepo is not a support. You don't buy mek/pipe, someone else does. Being able to blink and smash > lol 250hp heal. A support can buy that, It's better to not have it than meepo have it.

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        "not even best" lel. its like he has to be the best in order for his input to matter.
                        also i dont consider devilish to be better than notail. and w33 considers notail being better than him. so pretty much everything you said is subjective.

                        and i played tranquils a ton (at a pretty highest level you can play in a pub) and i can guarantee you they arent "complete asshat shitstain water trash"

                        me, government hooker

                          DONT LISTEN TO THESE RETARDS
                          The best build is BoT's --> Agh's --> Eblade --> Drums-->(Hex//Heart//Eblade2//Manta)


                            BOT > Aghanim Scepter > Ethereal Blade(s) > Manta is one of the good builds. The build has really huge rat potential. Probably you want to have Drum before getting EB, but getting it after EB is generally a bad idea though.

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              oh well whatever, i give up.


                                Why is tranquil good..?

                                You can just tread switch and keep poofing meepo then return them to fountain during 60s respawn time. Assuming all we are talking about is jungling. In a fight they just break instantly... And you can't drop micro tranquil on meepo.

                                Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                  they are cheaper, faster, and provide a ton of regen where otherwise you would have none.
                                  late game you get travels anyways so you look at the early game and what can fly. i know what im getting at the start depending on what heroes they have.

                                  Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                    Personally I like getting Tranq (for regen between jungle farming or ganking) -> Aghs -> BoTs -> Heart -> eBlade -> Skadi

                                    As soon as I pick up the BoTs I use them to split push if it's safe and ensure that I get involved in every kill possible. When the fighting is over back to a free lane or jungle.

                                    I know a lot of people prefer blink but I think that just having the global presence is enough if used effectively.


                                      everyone telling u different things, you just gotta play 100 meepo games and see what suits you.
                                      1 thing i can tell you for certain, if you are easy lane meepo and have good farm, go for extremely fast aghs (8-13 min) and with a dagger you should be destroying the enemy. after that you can get whatever (hex,ez 3 skadi, hearts, manta, etherials).
                                      btw the only thing meepo needs is aghs, other thing are pure speculation and preferences.
                                      i've seen a good meepo win ez katka with abyssal, shadowblade, orchid and heart, soo if you are good u should be pwning with whatever.

                                      edit: 1 more thing, if you are behind with meepo, that means you already failed somewhere.
                                      but you can always go BoT+manta and rat your way to victory

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                        Treads agha blink hex skadi bots into eblade/manta/ac safest build


                                          The way i play meepo is trenq > scepter > blink >situational but mostly skadi at this pnt > sitiuational :)

                                          i dont rat meepo i just rape the enemy team so i go skadi then heart if the enemy have magical nukes and eblade if the enemy have physical dmg and hex if the enemy have that hero who can rape me aka es , ember , lich so just blink hex rape
                                          Meepo can be played in alot of ways every1 have his own gameplay with him


                                            I think we can all agree brown boot > blink dagger > divine rapier is the best build for meepo.

                                            fastest dr feed build.

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              Just get normal boots into aghs, then dagger into BoT's. Then you can get skadi/manta/hex/EB and whatever.


                                                I always build:
                                                SAFE Treads > Aghanim > Blink > Hex > Manta/Skadi > anything with AGI
                                                MID Bottle > Treads > Aghanim > Blink > Hex > Manta/Skadi > anthing with AGI

                                                I NEVER NEVER NEVER BUY SHITY HEART!
                                                When I go mid I usually buy 3 branches starting items
                                                When I go safe I usually buy branch, quelling blade (jungle cut trees) ring of protection and tangos

                                                I farm until I get my core items which is agha and blink it usually takes 18min (not perfect but good enough).


                                                The reason I like going for treads first because I can treads switch to int for poofing and agi to finish creeps off in jungle.

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                                                Greygrey the Sailor

                                                  My build, Basilius ring for early game mana regeneration, that way if ever needed you can pop the second meepo into lane without much consequence so that you can assert your dominance and push the enemy heroes back (intimidation.)

                                                  Boots:Power treads when laning, Tranquill boots while going mid.
                                                  Explanation:Power treads give you much needed attack speed, survivability, right click ability. Which is really good for meepo since late game he will dominate the enemies with his rightclick and burst damage.
                                                  However, when middle lane it is usually a better choice to get tranquill boots since, you will very commonly find yourself needing to pick up a few extra last hits that would usually be denies had you not had both clones present, Tranquil boots are also faster to build since you are able to always pick up atleast 1 piece at base and they generally cost less, you also gain more speed for catching out and ganking heroes which would normally be "just out of that net range." Of course once you have gotten 2 of your core items you should spend the small sum of gold needed to purchase either Boots of travel (for flash farming, lane pushing, ganking) or the power treads for a small bit more right click potential.

                                                  Aghanims scepter first or Blink dagger?

                                                  Honestly it can go either way, Aghs if you feel as if you aren't getting enough farm right now and you already have pretty good initation. Blink dagger if you are getting loads of farm and dont really have that perfect of initation. These options however are only allowed if you got Treads first, If you get tranquils pick up blink, then aghanims scepter, then change to your next pair of boots. Sidenote, If you are on the middle lane, BLINK DAGGER HELPS GANKING A LOT!


                                                  Late game items?
                                                  Options:Skaadi, Heart of tarrasque*, Ethereal blade*, Boots of travel, Butterfly*, Assault cuirass, Scythe of vyse, Vladimir's offering*.
                                                  *=Personal favorites

                                                  Skaadi:Gives great stats which are core on any meepo with aghanims scepter and a nice slow that combos well with a heavy leveled geostrike, although the fault comes with the fact that the pricetag is 5675 and does not grant as much HP as the heart of tarrasque, if you are currently sizeably ahead of the enemies in gold then go for the Skaadi, if you are not and are seeming to fall behind this item is probably not for you.

                                                  Heart of tarrasque:Gives unparalleled survivability for all and incredible tankiness on the main meepo. Honestly, if you are up against tons of aoe or single target this is a great option for you, it allows you to outlive their nukes and be able to destroy them when they are weak (A core part of meepo is the ability to solo an entire team right after or before a team fight, when they are hesitant or not able to pop their abilities) Although it does not grant any more right click damage it gives you brilliant total HP which can make a whimsy meepo into a 3K health tank.

                                                  Ethereal blade:Tons of agility which is awesome on meepo, but the main reason why this is so awesome is because of the 40% magic damage amplification it has, turning your currently 1050* damage nuke into something really special. Also prevents them from attacking which can always be used to save that meepo with 300 hp. *After calculating hero magic resistance.

                                                  Boots of travel:Tons of movement speed, instant map farm, best global presence in the game, allows split pushing and defending at the same time to become much easier.

                                                  Butterfly:Probably one of the least picked up items but it is extremely underestimated, although the evasion and attackspeed is not transfered, the agility and the amazing speed boost can be used to create AMAZING initations on enemies, because it is rarely ever picked up it is hard to ever expect that a meepo will be coming at you with nearly 500 movement speed, blink dagger and the ability to give you a MASSIVE slow, This gives big right clicks and amazing fighting potential.

                                                  Assault cuirass: Aura armor for tankiness on your team and other meepos, aura attack speed for your team and other meepos and lowers enemy armor. It is a decent option if you have a very right click heavy team against casters but not really necessary. Other items do its job better of granting good right click potential but this has remained incredibly popular for whatever reason.

                                                  Scythe of vyse: Grants mana regeneration, 10+ of each stat to all meepos and some bonus intelligence, the main part of this item is the active which allows you to completely rip carries to shreds if you have the ethereal blade as well, Blink>Scythe>Eblade>poof and that is almost always an instant kill, if it fails to get you the insta-gib with lockdown, it will allow you to finish off the kill with right clicks if that didnt do the trick. Reliable disables are awesome.

                                                  Vladimir's offering: Really nice item on meepo. So many auras come with this item, aura lifesteal, aura damage, aura mana regen and overall a good item, allows you to easily take rosh without have to deal with infinitely tank him using the fountain and poof. The damage really shows in 5v5 fights when you have multiple melee heroes or big right clickers on your team as anyone around you will instantly turn into a fighting machine. Lifesteal is amazing on meepo because it allows you to destroy any targets in your net without a care if you are taking too much damage since you are gaining most of it back from whacking away at the carry.

                                                  So in conclusion my fav build is

                                                  Basi ring>Treads>Aghs>Blink>Vlads>Heart>Eblade>(space for aegis) or Butterfly.


                                                    Treads to help you farm faster early is a must - Rush aghs unless you are confident that you will get pick offs with Blink. 99% you get blink aghs quicker if you do aghs first. Hardly get trans anymore unless i plan on getting early BOTS. break down trans into basi and up to BOTS. The early treads helps a lot clearing those pesky mud golems hahaha


                                                      you cant disassemble tranquil boots.

                                                      me, government hooker
                                                        Този коментар е изтрит

                                                          @Xan, you can't disassemble tranquil boots anymore.


                                                            point being? who cares what you could used to do, it not a change from last week.
                                                            you cant disassemble them for a long time now.