General Discussion

General DiscussionRoamers that scale well?

Roamers that scale well? in General Discussion

    So recently i've been playing BH roaming and it's really working well for me so far. My question is are there any other roamers that scale pretty well like BH that i can use for solo rank? I usually play core positions but there are just some times when i don't feel like going mid or carry and i just want to roam directly at level 1 and get kills.


      mirana, sand king with semi jungle



          Venge also can, she's good at early gank. Reliable stun and - armor


            really love to try es and mirana but i just can't seem to land a good arrow or a good fissure block. lol Guess i should practice more. Venge seems good but i seem to lose a lot in ranked with conventional supports. :( Only way i gained loads of mmr recently is playing core. Anyone here who gained a lot of mmr by playing a lot of support? I'm currently sitting at 3800 if that helps.


              My record as Venge, still need better skill
              But usually I pick 3-1-1 in lv 5. Her skill 2 is sick to spam, but got nerfed _-
              Anyway i'm still in 3.2k mmr tho


                level 3 roaming riki


                  Yeah, riki invis make him easier to gank now


                    skywrath mage

                    आप गे क्यों

                      techies. techies gudd


                        Thanks for the suggestion guys. Will try them out when i get a chance. Really trying to improve my overall game, especially my support play. I mean practicing mid and carry is nice but there are just some days when you get sick of it. :)

                        Yolo Swaggins

                          Sand King, VS, ES, I've seen some pretty ridiculous roaming Disruptors. And of course Mirana.

                          Earth SPIRIT also does well roaming.


                            Vengeful Spirit
                            Nature's Prophet (?)(*)
                            Ogre-Magi (?)
                            Slardar (?)


                              ^slardar sounds great. Seems my kind of hero. Tanky, mobile and doean't fall of late since he can transition to semi-carry. Do you think roaming with OoV would be nice early on with slar ?cause i usually go OoV with BH after my starting items


                                Yes, Slithereen crush slows, so adding the OoV slow with it wouldn't hurt. However if its worth it, is another case.

                                Think like this:
                                Would the OoV slow help me get this particular kill?

                                In most cases it wouldn't make much of a difference, OoV is a strong item for laning-phase to win lanes even harder.

                                You generally shouldnt roam with Slardar unless enemy has tanky str heroes that -armor will works wonder again, as theres better opinions against other.


                                  Elder titan :D




                                      i think wr can roam too since landing a shackle is quite easier as it got buffed


                                        razor is perhaps the best


                                          Medusa lv 1 roam



                                            wraith king


                                              giro veno

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                                                  Visage is a hero that can gank early and be effective lategame as well. Soul Assumption scales well into the lategame due to its low cooldown and you get charges faster the longer the game goes. His birds are effective scouts until the cows come home.

                                                  I think the only valid gameplan for Spiritbreaker is going to be "roaming semisupport"

                                                  You can roam with any hero that has a good level 1 skill honestly. If you have a slow or a stun and your allies in your lanes also have slows or stuns, your roam has a good shot at being effective.


                                                    qop, and visage is an awufl roamer, you're better off just jungling untill level 6 at least and then picking off peopel with the othe ruspport/offlaner


                                                      ya vsiage isnt a good lvl 1 ROMAER LOL

                                                      go kill urself

                                                        support night stalker is good provided you're given pulls up to level 3 before first night

                                                        support pudge is money, boots + lvl 1 rot is really high kill potential on any lane

                                                        on the topic of bounty hunter, ur build is realllllly suspect. if you're support bh you usually buy one of the support items and then get some basic regen, and if you have the luxury of getting an OoV get it at start since its ur first real item. after that u should be prioritizing bottle and phase boots for mobility + sustain. if your team doesnt get an urn, you get the urn, the item is a necessity on any hero if the team doesnt get it. dont upgrade magic stick, just leave it at basic stick since u will need slots (Bottle, phase, urn is 3, tp is another, dust/sentry/obs if you need it and so on...).

                                                        i never understood why people get poor mans shield on bh, he benefits 0 from stats, and it only really makes sense if you're in a 1v1 offlane/safelane scenario (or mid lane too i guess) but as a roamer ur not getting hit by creep attacks or hero harass much, delays other better items etc. i would stick to OoV into bottle -> phase, way more cost efficient. medallions also pretty shit on him


                                                          ^my last BH game, i had to go offlane for a while since my ganks haven't been working and my original dual offlane (axe and necro) kept feeding the enemy trilane, so they left the lane went jungle. lol. Anyway my bh isn't really a full support, maybe a 4. I usually buy utility items on him depending on enemy heroes. (halberd, vlads, hex, medalion, etc) Besides i get a lot of gold cause of track even if don't farm. My basic game plan for bh is to create space for my carry to farm by always looking for kill opportunities around the map.

                                                          About urn, yeah i was thinking of adding that in my build really cause it's pretty useful when ypu're roaming as you can see in my last spirit breaker game. Also, yeah nighstalker seems ok as a 4 position, but really needs level 3 before night as you sai, but i'll try it out anyway when i get a chance. Thx for your insight bro.

                                                          go kill urself

                                                            on the topic of spirit breaker hes an amazing support/offlaner now too

                                                            halberd, vlad are fine. i usually get drums too just because his stats are so shitty and he benefits a lot and team does too. bkb is always a good pickup.

                                                            medallion is really situational, most the time teams dont use roshan and if thats the case its pointless on bh. hes not visage or someone who can abuse medallion because medallion requires cancelling his windwalk so u end up with same dps. dont get me wrong medallions a great item on almost all supports but usually teams just dont use roshan in pubs for whatever reason.