General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting teammates to not throw the game early on if things don't go well

Getting teammates to not throw the game early on if things don't go well in General Discussion

    I've been playing PA a lot lately.

    Last few games have all gone horrible since I've had teammates rage and decide to throw/troll around as soon as things don't go well

    Most of these games were easily recoverable with some teamwork but if I suggest that, I've had people be racist about my accent and being a general dick.

    How can I get people to actually work towards winning

    Example :

    Our jakiro got courier and wards, and thus expected us to make it flying (since it's a team game and we all should contribute)

    Our early game didn't go well, so we told him to get it.

    He began getting all bossy and berating me for suggesting that as a support it was best that he get it.

    He decided to spam skills in base and buy 5 boots and die around, all while going into my profile and bashing me for having Riki void and PA ("noob right click" heroes) as my most successful.



      If that's the case buy it yourself. These people will drag you down. Take control, ask your team to gank. You guys could easily make income coming back from killing CM and WD so many times. Sometimes it's best to not go classic builds. Those greedy items can make you food for Pudge or even CM freezing and ulting you, which causes your team to lose faith in you.

      Tell him don't worry I got it, get what you need first... Lol idk


        >Relax, you're doing fine
        >Don't give up!

        Miku Plays

          Try the phase and drums build on PA... Then farm heroes and get bkb, basher , satanic and evrything

          Този коментар е бил редактиран
          NextStep ®

            Sure. Not doing well, yet BH got the gold for midas.

            I think the jak did the right thing.
            Can't be bothered to support these assholes. lol

            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

              Except, if you see he had a midas and a basher thats it. He got his midas in 13 minutes.

              Don't skip to conclusions and if you have nothing to advise (being from a higher tier and all), please don't comment then.

              That's not my build generally (Bfury). Bfury is only when I'm falling behind and need something to accelerate farm.

              My standard build is treads > HoD > Basher (get kills coz i can fight early) > BKB (if nukes) > Bfly (if opponent is stupid) > Satanic > Abyssal

              NextStep ®

                Your early games didn't go well. And BH still got the luxury to get midas @ 13min?
                And BH is playing as a carry/core role together with Ember?

                Did you see something wrong here?
                If you don't, then you truly deserve the trolling from JAK.

                L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                  That is team role issues, but that doesn't separate from the fact that Jakiro would have a lesser need for gold than Ember Bounty PA and Puck

                  Or is jakiro more gold dependent than any of these heroes?


                    you have to say : "what the fuck are you doing fucking cu-nt stop feeding, OMG THIS LOOKS LIKE 2k mmr" (if you are 2k say this looks like 1k mmr)
                    i flame the people who deserve do be flamed, but i never flame for no reason.
                    you can win even 4 v 5 if 1 guy is actually intentionally feeding like 20 kills, this happend to me many times.
                    play your best and ignore the rest (i mean ignore the ones who are throwing/trollin) and try to cooperate with the ones that are willing.


                      i always throw when i play with LaViolette and he carries me:D


                        ^ so true :D


                          Omggg so many loses since we stop playing:(((


                            report volvo, not me, noobs in my team i am 7k mmr :( true story, sad boys, very report :(((


                              you were 21-6 down after 22mins. i don't think it was the jakiro throwing the game - no offence but i would've stopped supporting by then as well.

                              pub games are as much about keeping your team together as anything else. you needed to lead - upgrade the courier, get phase+drums and some kills to get the deficit down and keep morale up.

                              who did you think was going to keep things alive whilst you and ember went for battle furies and bh built a midas? puck and his arcanes+jakiro with a wand?

                              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                It wasn't at that point when he started trolling. We know the game was lost, but that doesn't mean you stop fighting, because there's still a chance.

                                He started whining when we were like 14-4 , and kept spamming spells from 16 minutes in the base.

                                No matter how bad a game, there's always a slim chance of comeback

                                NextStep ®


                                  Having 2 "cores" in a same lane is legit for you case then.
                                  Hence, the jak as a 'solo' support in the team SHOULD buy all the wards, detection and stuff etc...

                                  Alright. My bad.
                                  I shall stop commenting on low bracket issues. That's on another level. :D


                                    seriously all the 3k shits, we dont need to hear your problems.

                                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                      No point arguing with you since you know everything about the game and are obviously untouchable because you're sooooo skilled and pro.

                                      Stick to your high skill problems, and leave us peasants be, thanks.

                                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY


                                        And yet you comment, just pushing this post up higher for more "high skill" players to be inconvenienced by.


                                          hey, fuck those 'high skill' players too, arent they 3k shits as well.

                                          holy fuck

                                          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                            Oh sorry, "very high skill".

                                            That one word missed seems to have sent you into a frenzy. Sorry about that.


                                              no worries, aint mad.

                                              pls go on :D