General Discussion

General DiscussionWays to climb as a support

Ways to climb as a support in General Discussion
Rindou Kobayashi

    im 3.7 here , i like playing support , i know its difficult to do it but i wanna do it anyway.
    Usually i pick CM , ES , Lich , Ogre , Venge , Visage, Sandking
    almost every game i try my hardest to make space controll runes babysit hard carry and gang if i have some good hero.
    i babysit way too much , but lot of times my carries fail me . Should i only pick gamebreaking heroes like spam ES Sandking (suggest me more) im not sure anymore , i lose matches that i do everything for my team and cores split push silly deaths , (i know that i can't controll them i just maybe advice them but still how to survive i dont know anymore)


      loas good


        support =/= low impact
        If you are a good player and play above your MMR, regardless of your role you will move up over the long term. Start being critical of your own game, minimise your own deaths and maximise your presence in the game. If your allies are doing stupid things or you want them to do something, tell them. They might not listen but you have nothing to lose.

        NextStep ®

          Spam lich. Such an easy support hero.
          At times you will encounter poor decision making carries. But as long you support well, you should be winning 6/7 out of 10 games.


            I know what support I would pick to raise mmr


              Duo queue with a friend who plays the farming role. The coordination helps a lot, and it's easier to find one decent friend for party MMR than 4.


                if your core heroes dont carry you, it's because you didnt do enough in the early game. that's not just the carry, but the offlaner and the mid hero. the carry isn't the only player that needs the help of supports. the mid player can easily get kills with a +1 providing extra disable and/or damage.

                dont babysit too much, otherwise as soon as you leave the carry on his own, he will be 2-3 levels behind the enemy offlaner and will be zoned out of the lane or even die solo. make sure you give the carry as much xp and farm as possible, and also zone out the offlaner, so that when you leave the lane, the enemy offlaner is lv 1 or 2, while your carry is level 4 or something, so then you can spend more time helping the other lanes.


                  less than 4 games is "I usually pick" ?
                  try more of that lich, venge or jakiro


                    In 200 games ur 3.7 i think ur doing good till now u need to improve to get higher 3.7 for 200 games is high so i can say u learned faster then the others

                    Welt aus Eis

                      Play more Sand King.


                        Your Crystal Maiden win rate needs to be higher :D

                        Lol. What Andro said, you didn't do enough in the early game. I'd say try not to babysit too much, give your carry convincing free farm, zone out the offlaner for a bit, then do what you can around the map. Control it before the towers go down. Smoke, rune control, etc. There at times can be another support in your game, talk to that person and organize ganks. Also, build towards the late game. If there are no fights happening jungle, or get CS without being caught out, and who cares about letting the carry get the last hit on the enemy hero, its yours!!! Spam that Crystal Nova!!!!!

                        Excuse if they start crying about you killstealing - "Sorry, misclick"
                        They get enough farm from all their last hits and later jungling, etc. You deserve your own farm for your drums, blink dagger, mek, bkb, eye of skadi, divine rapier, etc. ;)

                        and very good thread, I'm in your boat too, I like to play support in rank, but haven't much because I'm kind of lazy in waiting for the new way rank is played. lol

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                          You know it's difficult to climb mmr playing support? difficult? well there's a support hero called Omniknight who has a winrate of 65%. Im at 4.2k mmr and everynow and often the teammates I get are rubbish to the point that you cannot carry them. If you are as good as you say (you are better than your current mmr) you should be able to win at least 60% of games due to your impact alone. I do agree that there are 20% of those games where ello hell does exist, it becomes impossible to win when your team early feeds the enemy hard carries.


                            I have no idea why people are saying pick x hero. Instead of focusing on your hero choice, try to focus on your gameplay.

                            You could look at it this way. You want to put your team in the best possible position going into the mid/late game. What route are you going to go? Baby sitting? Pulling? Ganking? Pushing?

                            Trust me, it feels like I'm solo support over half of the games I play and it gets annoying, but if your team pulls it off correctly, you can end up with 4 farmed heroes.

                            "a lot of the time my carries fail me" By saying this you pretty much are saying you have no affect on the game win or lose. In many games, supports literally decide the winner of the match. Not as much as the previous patch, but still.


                              why not play real supports like dazzle, omni or Io?
                              not saying you can't support as the ones you mentioned, but you should grab heroes that can keep your teammates alive (and I dont mean only heal)

                              PINGU NIDEPIGU

                                Sometimes the carry doesn't need you to babysit.
                                If you're just sitting in the lane and taking up all his exp, you'd be detrimental to the carry's growth.

                                Learn when to sit, when to pull, and when to rotate out.

                                Rindou Kobayashi

                                  i played sc2 and now turned in dota , i watched luminus videos to learn about heroes tho
                                  @messiah im not that good with omniknight havent played him a lot
                                  @chu4life idk i think CM is the hero i understand the most and has easier way to farm wards and staff from jungle
                                  everytime i lich my carry plays shit :| bored from sniper pickers already...

                                  Print Da Moolah

                                    support warlock is really strong this version

                                    1) huge aoe stun that goes through bkb
                                    2) golems help u farm ur items faster (be sure to micro them so they don't die/u can farm jungle with them after)
                                    3) help ur lane win (either offlane or safelane, use ur own judgment on where to go), get level 6, cast golem + upheaval and win teamfights
                                    4) golem fists passive goes through bkb now (situational)


                                    if u get scepter before 22 minutes you should rape, if u get scepter before 27 minutes you're good.

                                    there's no need to play this hero as a core since all u really need is aghs to win mid game and refresher for late

                                    i'm not even a support player and i'm winning games with this hero

                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                    Print Da Moolah

                                      oh and unlike slahser i go 2-3-2-3-2-4-2 instead of maxing out upheaval first - the heal/dmg is too good to pass up


                                        Same MMR as you OP

                                        I had good success on leshrac so far

                                        I have learned: do not use wisp if you want to rise your solo MMR lol

                                        Also I got a ton of wins playing Lich solo offlane vs trilanes, rushing mek then blink, grab a TP at 6 and be ready to TP in and ult. But the last like 10+ times I try to play Lich offlane, someone else flames me for saying it's a good offlaner, comes to the lane, and just turns it into a bad dual lane. Anyway I don't think it works unless you're against a trilane.

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                                        Print Da Moolah

                                          um, wisp is one of the most impactful supports in the game

                                          it's just everybody sucks with him

                                          lich is a lane winner and a game loser, his ult isn't guaranteed to bounce many times and bkb negates it completely. i've literally had so many games where i gave my team a huge headstart and i would end up doing almost no damage after bkb's are up

                                          Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                            Ya I know wisp is good and usually own on it when queued with friends, even friends 1k lower than me where I am the highest MMr on the team as a wisp. But I lose a ton on it in solo queue lol. People breaking tethers and all that


                                              Before patch 6.82 I would give you advice on how to climb as support as I got to 5800 playing mostly support but after the patch I can't seem to find any reliable way to win pubs as support.


                                                you're cm makes me cry


                                                  Wisp solo q master:

                                                  I got wrecked by this guy....

                                                  Also, I dont feel lich loses games at all. Armor is so annoying late game.

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                                                      Buy a tp early. It's not about what you do, it's about being in the right place at the right time.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        WTF is the S tier? I thought you meant shit-tier when I first read until I saw all the good heroes there lol.

                                                        Anyway, pick less CM, she sucks, falls off a cliff after level 6 in terms of usefulness. Pick more ogre magi =) You don't have to rotate but you need to do more than just secure free farm cus even with free farm in lane bad carries won't farm enough. So you need to get kills in lane or rotate. For example, if you are playing ogre with like a spectre in your safe lane and he's vs a clock or something, maybe that clockwerk is really scared of your shit and just stays behind the waves spamming rockets the whole time and you can't kill him. Tell spec to buy a wand, tp top and shutdown their hard carry. There's no point in leeching xp if the guy has free farm regardless. But if that clock is being aggressive and you can disable him when he dives and get kills then stay.


                                                          Cm is actually quit Good, if played in the right hands. She can just spam frostbite the offlaner until he is gready and just dies or is sitting at his tower. Also she can just rotate to mid and help the midlaner getting a better advantage and maybe getting a kill. If u go help ur offlaner/s just go around the trees at the pull camp's and frostbite some1, should be kill, this strategy should work at 3k atleast. Ofc she is not good in late game and in 2 v 2 lane situations but u should not pick her then. Get kills get advantage and game should be yours

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            She's extremely dependent on your carries being good late game cus like you said, she has no late game. If I'm trying to climb as a support I want something that scales into late game. Ogre does that, get aghs and you can 3 shot carries once their bkb ends or annihilate supports. Get earthshaker and he is relevant all game. I just don't see the point in CM over those other guys.

                                                            i left her

                                                              sandking is a pretty good core-support to play. im surprised no one said omni shitter yet, even tho he cant gank well he can pretty much turn a fight around easily

                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                omni is pub king, highest winrate, sandking is awesome, but hate playing him when im vs zeus specter or silencer, cant blink after ult(((((

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