General Discussion

General DiscussionNormal skill public

Normal skill public in General Discussion
Mr. Nice Guy

    How and how long it takes to get out from normal skill in pubs? This is my first dota account,so per total,is pretty bad,but if you check my winrate this month is 63-64% how long it takes to get high skill? How many games? ( last 1-2 months i started to plat better,you can check my profile)


      When u hit 3.2k mmr or some shit like that...


        If it's the same as it used to be during beta, the question you're initially asked about previous experience matters. You'll be placed 1k, 2k or 3k mmr dependant on what you picked, at least as far as I'm aware. I'd never played DotA or HoN, so I picked least experience. My first High skill game was 4 months after my first game, my first Very High skill game was 8 months after my first game.

        But yeah if you're talking ranked, then High starts at like 3000 or something.

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          Some people play for 7 years and are still in normal bracket.


            я тоже в normal skill public)
            I to.


              Really, there's not much difference between high ranks and low.

              Low ranks you can still have games with people who play incredibly well just as in high rank there are people who play like total idiots.

              Dota's MMR system is messed up.

              i love u butt

                having played in 2k-5k mmr, you'll find the difference is really big

                the lower the mmr, the worse the ward placement if any
                the worse the map awareness becomes
                the worse the support and teamwork becomes
                and then theres last hitting

                people who climb HIGH in the mmr ladder, play like idiots sometimes but play incredibly well consistently

                the trick to playing well in dota is not playing for many years but to play it CONSISTENTLY
                my friends that say "i played for 10 years", really just mean that they started dota when it came out, but it doesnt mean they actually played it for the entire 10 years. they stopped for 9 years. So hence, normal bracket

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                  I think 3200 mmr is high and 3800 mmr is very high. Not 100% on this though


                    @i love u butt
                    I have friends who actually play like 10 games per week for 7+ years and are still 2.5k - 3k. To get higher then 3k you need to actually spam 1-2 heroes for a while to get better.

                    If you're 3.5k and you have in your team someone with 2.5k trust me, YOU WILL KNOW he does not belong in your game. He will do random stuff (Ex: farm jungle with your carry, split push in totally unsafe areas with heroes like ogre/bane/lich, etc), wont see shit on map, react extreeeemly slow in fights, sit in fire/wd ulti/lich ulti, etc.

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                      4-5k bracket is still not super good player bracket. However this is when you will start to see decent teamwork and coordination.

                      MMR isnt all about individual skill I find mostly its about that players ability to play and contribute to his team overall.

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        it depend if they just playing dota having fun, or playing dota trying hard studing it and learning stuff