General Discussion

General DiscussionRubick carry

Rubick carry in General Discussion

    Played a game earlier (probably the funniest game i've ever played) had a rubick insist he was a carry hero who was teaching me how "good" aghs is on rubick. Meanwhile the lion was reporting everyone left and right while screaming the whole time in chat because our sb and rubick were begging for wards since he was the "only" support.

    Now the other team had a frenzy with buying an armlet for some reason even after 30 min because the farm was a joke. Their pudge was like 0 for 20 on hooks (seriously don't think he landed 1). Luckily somehow no one left with all the flaming, and the radiant claimed that we were hackers because it was back and forth for the first half of the game.

    This game had to be some sort of comedy skit. Wish i had the chatlogs


      well its a smurf thats still in normal skill what did you expect?


        I expect 3k players to understand the basics of dota. I've played games on an 800 mmr account where players knew more than these fools I played with. Honestly starting to think that mmr is completely unrelated to skill at least in the trench.


          You so gud. You should go win ti5.


            how do u know they are 3k?


              maybe they are 800 mmr?

              THICC BABY SHUM

                u might be as good as dendi winning ti mmr winrate nothing counts its all about hidden magical skill


                  Im 100% sure they are 3k because when you make a smurf thats your base hidden mmr, after 2 good performances it should not drop below 3k. Pretty much common logic


                    There was a time when Rubick was played as a #2, not as a support. Fun times, before he was slammed by the nerf hammer (and before people realized that he could have the same impact with less farm).


                      his fadebolt was op. was really strong mid hero.

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        mbe it did drop, and idk if 3k is still the base, i made a smurf a month ago and gotten ppl who dont buy any items at all

                          Този коментар е премахнат от модератор

                            Fade bolt had a shorter cd, did more damage, reduced more damage I think, cost less mana and he was faster if I recall correctly.

                            Too many nerfs :(


                              3k isnt the base, 2k (2.1k) is and most new players drop to around 1k, if your in a normal bracket game then it its below 3k. 3k is high bracket

                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                3.2 is normal to high bracket