General Discussion

General Discussionofftopic. to EU people willing to play WoW: WoD this week

offtopic. to EU people willing to play WoW: WoD this week in General Discussion



      You play WoW?


        yes i play since TBC


          I played Rogue/Shaman since Vanilla and stopped when Cata came out. Is the new expansion any fun?

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            idk i havent gotten to play it yet, eu is literally impossible to play on right now. us is way better/easier
            i always played mage, rerolled monk in mop cause it was so fun

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              eu is fun yes, u cant see vendors

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              Linda | DotaExchange

                I played once wow ( cataclizm was, or whatever is called ), was funny, until i died. I didn't know how to respawn , so i reinstalled. Good old broken brain of me.

                Dire Wolf

                  If you think dota is a black hole where your time goes to never return don't get into wow.

                  I played it when it came out all the way back in 2004 for 8 years, quit a couple months after cataclysm came out. If you don't put in ~40 hours a week and have a bunch of in game friends you will never see end game content or be a top ranked pvp team. There's tons of people who play it "casually" just leveling characters and losing battleground matches but I don't see the point. It's really not that fun as a solo experience.


                    well i climbed top 100 leaderboards on my monk in 5.3 in 3s, i think it was season 13. fun times but i quit in december last year cause the game got really trash. ill probably play wod in 1-2 weeks when not every single server is locked up lol

                    one can not forever quit wow

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                      I tried playing it, but gave up when it said I needed to wait like 2 hours in queue.

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                        I quit WoW with the beginning of MoP when it felt more like a second dayjob to keep up in the Top30 leaderboards, grinding Gear. The last couple days I´m really close buying the addon and getting into it. The only thing holding me back is the fear to fall back into playing 40 hours and trying to compete with the best again.