General Discussion

General DiscussionLeague of Legends Co-worker player says..

League of Legends Co-worker player says.. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    He would dominate the general population of doto 2 players. His main reason is LoL players "mechanics" are better. Thoughts on this?


      Lol, just lol, I think he confused dota with hon.


        I've had ton of good friends from dota going over and trashing people left right and center in lol after they switched over.
        I've had none doing the same coming from lol.

        take that as you will.


          Well, trashing League of Legends for the stupidest reasons is the Dota pastime, so it only makes sense that the opposite would be true.


            The "general population" is pretty bad on average. If 4k+ is Very High and 3.2k+ is High, that should give you an idea of how much of the population is in the 2k-3k range. An experienced LoL player switching over can get over that range in a month, with some effort.

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              youR LOL coworker seems kind of stupid

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                You work with 11 year old kids?!?!?!


                  In my LoL games no one gives a flying fuck about creep equilibrium which results in jungler ganking us -.-


                    LoL does have better mechanics despite what biased dota fans would say.

                    LoL doesn't have turn rate and shorter cooldowns make for high speed gameplay. HOWEVER, when swapping over they usually suffer because of the 'slowness'. In LoL you could cover up your mistakes by being quick with recovery since chain stunning doesn't occur there whereas in dota if you get disabled you're usually fucked.

                    Additionally, stop with the mentality that LoL is easy for dota as well... the first 100+ games of LoL are pre-lvl 30 where you versus new players which in dota terms would be sub 2k players. There is no antismurf so you end up versusing noobs over and over again. Its less that you're better than most LoL players and more that you're playing against the bottom few who barely play MOBAs.

                    They're entirely different games which reward different skillsets. In dota there is higher influence by decision making, strategy and positioning. LoL is based off high speed gameplay. Its like Tennis(dota) and Badminton(LoL)... I don't think the best tennis players would say badminton was easy if they played against the best badminton players.


                      i was at an expo and saw a pro challenger 1 norwegian player solo mid 1v1 vs people random people. On the offchance they won they would get nice items. I looked from behind him and from the challengers perspective and the shit is too ez compared to dota. I honestly think i couldve beaten him with a day of preparation on 1 of those mid heroes with the respective runes adequate for the matchup. AT least they (more than 1) relied too much on the giving range indicator and weren't able to percieve animation changes indicating skills thrown and only relied on basic 1v1 mid instincts and huge advantage of the hero pick and said OP harras range and nuke. Srsly i saw how they were beat tons of times, beat few times and dude they werent stars by any means. As i already said, i wouldve beaten them.

                      Ofc im by no means a bad mid (far from it actually) but we're talking about dota players easily adapting and raping even the most badass lol players.

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                        i played lol for a year and there is no mechanics at all .. idk wtf he's talking about
                        there are barely 3 different spell in that game, attackbuff, dash-in dash-out, others.

                        dota is way more complex that lol

                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                          btw is it there are or there is ? im confused


                            In ~6 months of casual play with friend, i had a similar lvl as one guy of our group, which was breathing Lol, (he is challenger, or almost challenger).

                            Well ofc i abused of greater rune choice (player of ad carry in lol have really terrible rune choice), and better item order/choice, but that doesn't make everything (btw, the kog maw ad carry was from mine, since we stomped some "pro" with him several time in a row before it appeared competitively).

                            -last note: sup to Lol, which allowed me to have 4 hits in a row that didn't crit with 99.98% crit (which they displayed as 100% in the heroes panel)-

                            Този коментар е бил редактиран

                              ^i would have sued em for that.

                              Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                i played lol for a year and there is no mechanics at all .. idk wtf he's talking about
                                there are barely 3 different spell in that game, attackbuff, dash-in dash-out, others.

                                dota is way more complex that lol

                                Indeed. I convinced a longtime LoL player (my friend) that Dota has more depth/mechanic in the end, but it took half of an eternity. The best you can do I think is just throw him facts into his face. "Oh, your tower attacks random people? Well, our tower has a specific ruleset in how it attacks people" for example.

                                I think the biggest misconception between Dota and LoL is thinking that they were compareable gameplay-wise. League of Legends is all about skill-shots and clashes and micro decisions, Dota is mostly about tactic and strategical decisions. Abilities in Dota cost way more mana than they do in LoL and they have way longer cooldowns in general. In exchange for that they are way deadlier. This turns dota into a more chess-like game (similar to Hearthstone or Starcraft) where you need to plan and time your moves perfectly whereas League of Legends requires more reactions (similar to Ego Shooters or Racing Games).

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                                    your english is too messy, i get the idea and all but pls take more time posting :).
                                    I use There should be a similar site for you to use.


                                      earth spirit is like a lol character. (champion or how are they called)

                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                        fml, just write in russian guys, so I won't have to try to read it.

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                                            show him r/dotamasterrace

                                            harvard graduate

                                              Just gameplay-wise Dota and LoL are equally hard imo. LoL is faster but you are never really going to get trashed completetly in lane as in Dota just because all the champions/heroes from one lane basically do the same thing.

                                              On the other hand in Dota there are the INSANE mechanics that you just have to know. for example, not using Leap when you got Pounce'd by Slark but to wait until it runs out... Buying AC instead of Butterfly against Elder Titan... not getting Atos against Dark Seer / Lycan lineups blablabla.
                                              LoL is a lot more straight forward in that aspect but all the LoL players that I know that tried Dota got trashed super hard in our games together because the games are so different.