General Discussion

General DiscussionHero Score needs a tweak

Hero Score needs a tweak in General Discussion

    Currently, number of games is valued too highly for Hero Score

    Lost 1 game, dropped 5 points
    Won 2 games, gained 3+5 points

    Basically, play a hero 2000 times with a minimum win ratio of 66% and decent KDA, and you'll likely be on the top 100.

    On a side note:
    According to statistics, 2000 sample size is enough for an accurate estimate.
    Players with 2000 games and 4000 games should have the same hero score if their KDA and win rate are identical.


    Does this look fair?
    # of games give too many points to hero score?
    There are flaws with every system; let's try to build the best rating system together.

    Тази тема била редактирана
    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      But you know, %66 winrate for 2000 games is actually insane. But it still needs a rework.


        I am not very familiar with the hero score system. I only used my previous 3 games for estimate, so my idea is still very premature.

        To understand this rating system better, we need to know the algorithm.

        Този коментар е бил редактиран

 crazy mirana idk how he still has that kda


            Mr Grim.
            What you forget here is MMR. And how mmr changes over time.

            To clearify.
            Noob plays in 1k bracket gets 100% winrate 100 games. has X kda
            Pro plays in 5k bracket gets 100% winrate 100 games. has X kda.
            Pro plays in 5k bracket gets 100% winrate 200 games (but with higher KDA) in a gradually higher getting bracket.

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