General Discussion

General Discussionhow do you play this game

how do you play this game in General Discussion

    played about 25 games since i got back into dota, was out for a year because of crap

    -AP is boring as shit, almost every game has slark, ogre or jakiro. I don't mind facing them infrequently, but every game is lame as shit, and ofc with how strong they are its not surprising. Wish there were some bans in AP or something. been watching some streams and i noticed it was the same in ranked..
    -if you queue non AP you get a random skill level, which can be funny. a lot of interesting picks and i get to mix it up too

    im probably going to end up at 4k or something (when i queue AP i get VH games), do people still pick these heroes all the time at this level? trying to figure out why i am still level 12 after this many games


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