It isn't really a nerf. In situations where you can't get near the tower shrapnel is worse off but in every other situation it's better.
6.82 change wasn't really a nerf either. In situations where enemy has a channelling spell like blackhole, headshot is worse off but in every other situation it's better.
Actually I feel that the Shrapnel is so good now.
50 mana cost is so spammable. It's gonna be fun during laning phase.
Don't feel it's so much a nerf as it is a change. Removes pushing but improves team fight and mana problems.
Shrapnel is stronger now, dude. Cast 3 times in a teambattle and you'll have a 2k AoE of slow and DPS.
It is not a nerf, it is a buff. You can now chase or escape the runners more effectively. If iceforg adds option to stack shrapnel's slow for sniper, i think sniper can be a viable pick again, at least it can hit someone before he dies
rofl woah i just notice this.
Shrapnel now has 3 charges with a 40 second replenish time
This is such a buff for team fight.
support sniper. :D
Mana cost reduced too!
Considering I use shrapnel mostly for vision and to disable blink daggers, it's quite a buff.
40 sec replenish time, you cannot even use it to defend tower anymore ......
you can slow but cannot even stop a tp ......
the damage doesn't stack lol
how come you believe you can do 2000 aoe damage ?
worst joke ever lol
Sounds super good at chasing someone though. If you ever chase people with sniper. Usually getting chased. Would be nice if he could shrap without turning!
Coco - 40 sec replenish time, you cannot even use it to defend tower anymore ......
This joke made my day.
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