General Discussion

General DiscussionBoys, help me.

Boys, help me. in General Discussion
Linda | DotaExchange

    Is anyone here good with internet, particularly with some low end hacking?

    Make love, not flame

      That is an interesting topic about DotA, continue please for I am curious to know what you need.


        i am master hacker supreme pls tell me what u need.

        i've done some really ez stuff like phising and rats and shit but i really doubt i can be of use. you can learn all that stuff online.


          ask goodguy havoc, he knows some cool shenanigans it seems, hehe

          meow maniac

            i am the co-creator of OllyDbg & i am also the founter of vxheaven. i have memorized every instruction set known 2 man and i can hex edit my way out of a traffic stop. what can i, leader of the russian hacktivist organization: anonymous, do for you?

            Linda | DotaExchange

              I could learn them, but i have only 2 days. It is just simple hack of someone Ig to deleted one picture that is way above allowed material , but ig wont do crap about it. If someone has knowledge about it, you could add me on steam, so we can talk. I could pay you something if needed.

              Linda | DotaExchange

                Yea, i am counting on havoc, but he said he was in sweeden, and he wont hve pc there, so.. .


                  omg linda welcome to H4XZ0R world <3

                  bum farto

                    What are you doing now?

                    Linda | DotaExchange

                      I am going for some competition with great prizes for first place, and this guy, paid to get few hundreds likes, so i was wondering, if anyone can teach him some freaking manners. Not so big deal, i could try to win it, but still, hate to lose from assholes.

                      TUUUU Fyyq <3

                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                      bum farto

                        If you need to get likes on a facebook vote I have a bot that can do that about 8-10 times an hour I use it for friends who want to win ass powder and other useless shit. Seriously, outside of flooding his account with reports there is little (*nothing) I can really do about it.

                        What was the vote on though cause I could probably prove either he bot'ted votes or he paid/exchanged for them...really up to you how petty you want to get over a facebook deal. What were you going to stand to win anyways, just curious.

                        Linda | DotaExchange

                          WAIT, THERE IS facebook bot? Really? Could i contact you somehow on Facebook to talk about it, would be freaking awesome.

                          It is some competition for a fashion things ( shoes, bags and watches, and there is big difference between first and second place, although second is also great one )

                          bum farto

                            There is no facebook bot but a long time ago some group approached me and my friend to make one. We managed to figure it out and won him what he wanted but we kept the source which we use for people from time to time when needed. Credit to my amigo though he is really a next level genius.

                            I can get in touch with him to see if he still has access to some of our old projects.

                            Linda | DotaExchange

                              could you please? I got somewhat like 3 days more, and it would be awesome to get help from you, beside my friends, which i already started spamming :D


                                why the hell would you ask this question publicly.

                                If anything does happen to this person you will be blamed.

                                Linda | DotaExchange

                                  Because i am trying to win on legit way, and this fa**et comes and bam, i am gonna pay for my likes. If you can buy likes, you obviously have money, you don't have to enter competition and ruin for others.


                                    there are plenty of bot facebook sites... free likes blah blah

                                    Linda | DotaExchange

                                      They aren't free at all, at best they are scams. Obviously gonna start doing that on instagram , and buy likes or whatever.


                                        What type of likes? status, video?

                                        Linda | DotaExchange



                                            on instagram, facebook?

                                            Linda | DotaExchange

                                              both, but i am trying to get more likes on facebook, seems easier


                                                if u need to get someone's fb acc just phish him. it is really easy. basically you just buy a domain name that is similiar and do basic html/photoshop editing to make a facebook clone that redirects them as if they actually used it but sends u the pw also. bait them with a pm or something

                                                Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                Linda | DotaExchange

                                                  well i know to do phishing, but it won't work anything for me.


                                                    why would you even do phishing to get likes hahah?

                                                    Linda | DotaExchange

                                                      exactly. I really hope that will work, much love bro <3


                                                        Did you try that site? It works on status idk about pictures. i once got upto 300 status likes from

                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                        Linda | DotaExchange

                                                          Yea, won't work. You need to have direct link to picture, and this is in app on that page, so it doesn't work. Obviously need hard way to win.


                                                            20 hax from the axe of axe

                                                            Linda | DotaExchange

                                                              is anyone interested, in helping me? I give you link, you like, and share? <3

                                                              meow maniac

                                                                nigga i can u get 10k likes for $50 WMZ. tbh idk why you're even trying to win a competition on Facebook. you can literally buy cheap Chinese knock offs of all your fav. designer shit for next to nothing.

                                                                Linda | DotaExchange

                                                                  There is big difference between a cheap knockoff and real stuff.

                                                                  Linda | DotaExchange

                                                                    Also, back to topic. If anyone KNOWS to do some hacking, please contact me on steam. I have a Christmas wish, and that is, that the fake guy goes down. Jackass

                                                                    meow maniac

                                                                      nah, there isn't a difference. a lot of that shit is actlly manufactured in China and the factories that counterfeit shit r usually the same factories that actually make that shit

                                                                      Linda | DotaExchange

                                                                        For low price things ( and popular brands) that could be true. For a shoes that costs up to 500$ and which are hand made, i doubt.

                                                                        Jay Ashborne

                                                                          ± HΔCKING ØR CRΔCKING? THERE IS Δ DIƒƒERENCE. ±

                                                                          Linda | DotaExchange

                                                                            You know to do it? Please say you do man

                                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                                              ± ΔNYØNE CΔN RUN Δ GEN WITH PRØXIES IT'S EΔSY BUT I GΔVE UP THΔT SHIT Δ LØNG
                                                                              TIME ΔGØ ±

                                                                              Linda | DotaExchange

                                                                                Do it for me, one last time

                                                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                                                  Nah, I'll pass. Nice unicode tho. just google it. It will literally take you a few days at max to learn.

                                                                                  Linda | DotaExchange

                                                                                    Ye, i know, but i have 3 days. Nvm, thanks, gonna find someone else

                                                                                    Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                      i haven't really read much about what you want.

                                                                                      but if you want to kill his fb just phish him.

                                                                                      if you want to kill his pc it's a bit harder. you have to bait him to download a file. you can inject a virus into a picture kind of. more like masking an exe with a jpeg or something. i didn't really read much into it just followed a guide. it would have a rat. and with that rat you get full control of his pc.

                                                                                      just turn it on when he is away from it and you can destroy it. or just fuck with him when he's on it. up to you.

                                                                                      and honestly, like melody said, just learn it yourself. this basic stuff isn't hard. for the hard stuff you'll probably want to take a few comp sci classes. a "real" hacker isnt going to be at dotabuff. and even if he was, he'd want payment. if you're willing to pay, go find another forum that actually has hackers.

                                                                                      honestly you just sound a little butthurt and want to let it out on dotabuff. hacking ppl is wrong. i only did it to see if i could, then let them know. just let it go.

                                                                                      edit: i read your post finally.

                                                                                      1) why do you even care about a competition that relies on FB likes so much.
                                                                                      2) phishing would work. just delete his post and he loses his likes.
                                                                                      3) or you could just buy more likes.
                                                                                      4) or you could just not give a shit and move on with your life. go win a dota lan. go work a shift and make 10x as much as the prize anyway.

                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                      Linda | DotaExchange

                                                                                        But can you phish instagram acc? Paying would be problem, obviously finding one to pay is a bit harder.

                                                                                        I never intended to get someone from db to hack, i doubt anyone is skilled that much.. I was just trying to find if someone knows thing or two about it, to help me or similar

                                                                                        Този коментар е бил редактиран

                                                                                          Go deep web download tor there are plenty or real hackers that will do the work for you but most of hem
                                                                                          Might be scammers

                                                                                          Linda | DotaExchange

                                                                                            I am planing to do that today, when i come from, uni, might work

                                                                                            bum farto

                                                                                              Getting facebook likes on a picture or video is easy getting it to work through a facebook app with a voting system is a lot more complex and only allows each account to vote once etc. but it is not to much to get it working. Sadly I can't help primarily because I am on holiday with access to nothing.

                                                                                              What do you stand to gain? Like what do you win from winning the votes?



                                                                                                Planning to do what?

                                                                                                bum farto

                                                                                                  "Go deep web download tor there are plenty or real hackers that will do the work for you but most of hem
                                                                                                  Might be scammers" - This

                                                                                                  Also I hear the hacker 4chan is always looking for people to get facebook likes for.

                                                                                                  bum farto

                                                                                                    Lets explain something here. The veil of the internet is very, very thin and it's very hard to actually get away with any kind of illicit activity without getting found out. Anyone who claims to be a hacker isn't as most have retreated to the safety of their grandma's basement and refuse to see the light of day and will do stuff that they consider worth the risk, not gleaning facebook likes for $50.

                                                                                                    What you need a "script bunny" someone who has already done the work and will do sifting around to find some code that can be easily modified to suit your needs. Due to the nature of what you are doing I can't really be of any help as I don't think you have the cleanest of intentions and it goes beyond the remit of simply wanting to get likes (targeting someone you think is doing the same).

                                                                                                    My advice would be to let it go and accept that you won't make the chanel cat walk this year and just aim to be prepared next year. Get some followers, plan, etc.


                                                                                                      Obviously deep web is mostly of scammers it you might have luck finding one. Be careful what you click on there's some scary and unpredictable shit mainly hardcore cp.

                                                                                                      How much do you hate him?

                                                                                                      Този коментар е бил редактиран
                                                                                                      Jay Ashborne

                                                                                                        What havoc said/replace bunny with kiddie and we're good.